I know for a lot of us it's hard to just "walk away". I've decided to go another route that may also be just as hard and that is- if I get it I get it, if not, it's ok. Maybe I've spent too much time in the Springfield Buddhist Temple but I've come to accept the VERY real possibility that I'm not going to get everything in this event.
I know a lot of us are completeists and it would be fun to have everything but letting go of this now (thanks to EA) almost impossible goal will only make you enjoy the game again. I know with hard "work"/grinding we can all get the good stuff from the pink and blue boxes but I just don't think we're, or at least me, going to get the gold stuff.
It is what it is. The Blocko store is pretty cool though right?
(I really really wanted Shary Bobbins though :( )
-also who knows, maybe EA will take note (please don't hold your breath) and reevaluate their next event.