Forum Discussion

Johnny2bd's avatar
9 years ago

PSA - Band Aids PT2

semi-related: Does it matter which items are crafted first? Is it just personal preference? The items don't affect anything else, right?
  • stinkbugger wrote:
    semi-related: Does it matter which items are crafted first? Is it just personal preference? The items don't affect anything else, right?

    I don't think it matters. You can go cheapest to most expensive or vice versa and it shouldn't matter. Personally I usually avoid crafting anything until I've enough materials to get what I want most first. In this case it'll be the book store.
  • I don't use them - but I have numerous characters to choose from. So I let them heal over time. I pay the donut if I have to have one.
  • I haven't bought any since the tutorial made me. Now that I read about that tip to lose fights so you can get more material I don't think I will need them.