Forum Discussion

Ningyo42's avatar
10 years ago

Spending Donuts - What would you do?

I would (did) buy the steel mill.
  • If you've a strong love for "Homer's Pride", then I'd definitely get the steel mill. OTOH, if they start selling John next week, then you're out of luck. :(

    Personally, I'd probably use some of them to get a premium character that I'd long wanted, whoever it might be for you--Otto (a good deal), Frink or Hank Scorpio, for instance. Then I'd save the rest for those limited time folks that pop up.

    As JimJ says, follow your heart!
  • Personally, I think if you have to think too hard about a purchase, it means you don't really want it that much. Some of my favourite purchases have been the ones I nabbed right away without much internal debate (Uter, Mrs. Bouvier, The Homer, etc.) Of course, there's also the limited time characters I've pined for until they came back, like Maude and Brandine. I guess what I'm saying is, follow your heart! :mrgreen:

    As for waiting for the next event, I think that's a good idea if there's nothing you REALLY want now. I find myself waiting for events, but then not really wanting anything once they come around. I don't have the Steel Mill or Plopper, for example, but I did recently buy Barney and Akira.

    Edit: Haha, I didn't read the previous comments before posting this. I guess a lot of us want you to follow your heart. :P
  • I'm just indecisive lately, and want to make a good purchase. :) The steel mill isn't that much, good building and character, so if it's steel available *snicker* I just might do it. Thanks! :)

    Oh, I'd follow my heart, but it went into the strip club in GTA, and I don't want to be seen in there. ;)
  • I missed getting the Steel Mill in time, but I got the Aztec Theater on the Gil sale. I'll have plenty of donuts available for when something else I want comes along. :D

    As money isn't for flowing into my life as powerfully as I'd like at the moment, I'm in money (and donut, I guess, too) saving mode in most aspects of life. I've even had $20 in my Xbox Live account for months until something I REALLY want comes around. :)

    Thank you for your replies. :)
  • I'd say hold your d'nuts. This type of promotion seems like it usually comes just before an event, where you may want to spend your d'nuts on limited time items vs discounted items (like right now). The Steel Mill will be around, so no worries it's not going anywhere.

    know when to hold 'em, know when to spend 'em.