Forum Discussion

bilvrun's avatar
Rising Rookie
27 days ago

Suggestions thread

Long time player and thought a suggestions thread would maybe attract attention for updates.

  • Encourage Friend Visits.  Yep, occasional donuts are nice but maybe increase the $ or throw a land tile or something.  Make it a daily task perhaps
  • Stop the animation for money and XP coming in.  Slows the game and sometimes crashes
  • Employment Office is great for getting all off task….maybe an option to speed clear and put back on task.  I would pay donuts for sure
  • Get some action going on the water….pretty boring out there.  Same on the mountains
  • Add a sorter of some kind to town hall character finder.  With nearly 700 names it takes forever to get to the bottom
  • Add some game info somewhere so a player knows how many items are out or other issues that can effect game play
  • BREAK THE ROUTINE!!!  It has been years since we had something different in the update methods.  Either on quest or 5, no incentive to visit friends, no finding snakes in other towns….bring back Whacking Day!

Hope this is a helpful thread and perhaps will improve the fun.  Am still missing a few friends and will add about anyone…but I do delete after a week of nothing to tap on your town so be warned



    REQUEST: Allow all  children in the Nightmare Pile to trick-or-treat at once? Or as many as you choose. Like the Zombie Sandwich.





  • I love the early THOH events and would love some permanent nostalgic actions and tasks. They don't need to be extravagant, just a nod to those early events. Egg Flanders's house or Toilet paper Simpson's house.

    Loved the ghost event. Maybe something like the Zombie Sandwich but have a Haunt Springfield action where the main characters have a ghost attached to them like in the event until you tap them.  

    Please release the Hal Roach apartments in the files. 

    Thank you. 

  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    Nice thread, a lot of good suggestions .  I agree it would be really helpful to kill the money and xp animation or give us a toggle.

    The new land has thrown life back into the game but some little changes to the events would help.

  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer


    Long straight monorail track

    Events where we have to go to other towns to get something, leavr something etc.

    Sime new generic houses .  With more land we can create actual neighbourhoods but need more variety of houses 

    Permanent ice tiles, even if premium

    Increased limit on Squidport tiles

    Remove grass border on sand tiles


  • Willy9292's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    While I'm at it:

    A Spooky Halloween monorail station.  Many of us have large areas dedicated to halloween and we need a station.

    Also, how about a skin or two for the train.

    And a big wish:

    This might make a great Gil deal.  A building that either trades curve for straight, or even better a building that generates track, straight track, every day or 12 hours.  There could be a quest attached that has to be completed , or it just generates track.

    There is so much potential that has not been reached in the monorail.  2 sided stations.  Stop track that the train stops at for 5 seconds for our fake stations. A T track. No collisions possible as it has to be on a single line, should be no great animation issues either.


    • 1-Graham-S's avatar

      What about extension platforms.

      These would mirror the existing façade of an existing station and allow a second loop of track for that station, or to be used with extension pieces to form a pseudo-station, and be a place where trains halt ??

      Might need a code tweak on the animations to select which train to ride if used as an extension though ...

      • Willy9292's avatar
        Rising Adventurer

        Even a special track coded to stop the train as if it was at a station would help.  Code already exists to stop the train.

  • REQUEST: Now that the Futurama game is gone can we have Bender? Pah-lease!? And all the other characters from the show. They'd go great with all the future buildings we've received. 

  • drebak's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    More heaven stuff in shattered dreams or a new event

    • drebak's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      More items to choose from in Shattered Dreams