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5 years ago

Treehouse of Horror XXX: Operation Clogged Drain Walkthrough

Same Mistakes, New Plan

Auto starts

Kang: Cthulhu, you waterlogged limpet, you've floundered for the last time.
Cthulhu: Sorry, my desire was to destroy all life on Earth, but the humans reconnected me with my saltwater spawn.
Kang: We can’t be mad at you for being a loving parent. Give me a hug.
Kodos: That’s beautiful… and weak! You're an embarrassment sometimes.

Task: Make Kang Reflect on Parenting Skills
Time: 6s
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House
Task: Make Kodos Tolerate Failure
Time: 6s
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House
If the user has Cthulhu: Task: Make Cthulhu Apologize for Not Destroying the World
Time: 6s
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House

Kodos: I throw up my tentacles. I don’t know how to recover from this.
Cthulhu: That’s because your plan is all wet. When your toilet is clogged and you can’t fix it yourself, you call a professional.
Kang: What does destroying the world have to do with our ship's plumbing problems?
Kodos: I get it… Earth is our ship's toilet!
Kang: And the clog was me?
Kodos: The clog is Earth too. We need to hire a professional to destroy it!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Operation Clogged Drain Pt. 1

Auto starts

Kang: We want answers! Why are you the right tool for operation "Clogged Drain"?
Malicious Krubb: This is preposterous. You called me.
Kodos: Right. Checking my notes. Okay, then, just tell us how to destroy Earth.
Malicious Krubb: I'd start by getting rid of that brat Angelica Button. Then I’d use my great power to conjure the most fearsome...
Kang: He's about to start a rambling monologue.
Kodos: Quick, get him out of here!

Task: Collect McGuffin Disks
Task: Make Kang Fall Asleep
Time: 8h
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House
Task: Make Kodos Call Security
Time: 8h
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House

Malicious Krubb: Fools! You’ll rue the day that you kicked Malicious Krubb to the curb!
Kodos: We rue a lot of days. Ruing is our thing.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Operation Clogged Drain Pt. 2

Auto starts

Kang: The biggest obstacle to our obliquitous plan is that obstinate Simpsons family.
Kodos: They are quite resourceful when faced head on. We’ll need to take them down from the underbelly.
Kang: With Homer’s underbelly, that could be a dangerous thing!
Kodos: I have just the thing -- a secret the family is keeping that they want to forget.
Kang: Oh, goodie! I love dirty secrets that lead families to their doom!

Task: Collect McGuffin Disks
Task: Make Kang Laugh Maniacally
Time: 8h
Location: Victorian UFO, Fogbury Cemetery or Brown House
Task: Make Kodos Uncover the Simpsons Secret
Time: 8h
Location: Simpson House

Kodos: They wronged you, now it’s your turn to imprison them...
Kang: …in Hell?!
Hugo: I’ve got something worse than Hell.
Hugo: I'll trap them in the house with Grampa! *laughs maniacally*

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Operation Clogged Drain Pt. 3

Auto starts

Grampa: …so me and my mule dove off the ship and joined the Battle of Midway midway…
Lisa: It’s so amazing you fought in every war ever, Grampa!
Bart: All the way back to the Civil War!
Hugo: *bursts into the room* “Amazing”?! That was the most insufferable story ever. And you should be suffering too!
Lisa: We're not, because we saw right through your lame plan.
Bart: Yeah dude, the only one suffering here is gonna be you.
Hugo: *lunges at Bart* I'll end you myself!

Task: Collect McGuffin Disks
Task: Make Hugo Simpson Attack Simpsons Family
Time: 8h
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Simpsons Fight Hugo
Time: 8h
Location: Simpson House
Characters: Grampa, Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, Maggie

Wiggum: *tying up Hugo* Over, under, around and through, meet Mr. Bunny Rabbit, pull it through. All tied!
Hugo: You’ve got to believe me, I never wanted to hurt anyone.
Wiggum: I’m a cop. I’m not paid to believe people.
Wiggum: But maybe with a pay raise, I could start believing.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Operation Clogged Drain Pt. 4

Auto starts

Kang: The Simpsons defeated our secret weapon. Time to take those eyeless earth creatures down ourselves.
Kodos: They DO have eyes. It's just the Homer human always has his closed, sleeping at his desk.
Kang: Then we will enter his dreams and catch him by surprise.

Task: Collect McGuffin Disks
Task: Make Kang Surprise Robot Homer
Time: 8h
Location: Control Building
Task: Make Kodos Interrogate Robot Homer
Time: 8h
Location: Control Building

On job start:
Kodos: You are resilient for a cyborg human. But we will find a way to break you.
Robot Homer: One way to break a cyborg is through his stomach.
Kodos: Bring this robot food!

On job end:
Bart: Why are you big green boogers talking to that Homer-shaped bucket of bolts?
Kodos: We believe he contains the real meat-human called "Homer".
Bart: Dumb aliens. Were you green molds grown on the dark side of your planet, or what?

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Operation Clogged Drain Pt. 5

Auto starts

Kodos: Face it. We are unfit to conquer this world.
Kodos: Our Mother Spore was right when she said we would return to Rigel VII as failures.
Kodos: I can’t go on living in Mother’s basement for another millennium.
Kang: We need a more destructive partner. It’s time to cast a wider tentacle.

Task: Collect McGuffin Disks
Task: Make Kang Send a Call Across Time and Space
Time: 8h
Location: Victorian UFO or Control Building

Zia Simpson: My mom says I need to get a real job, so whaddaya got?
Kang: What can an insolent teenager do for us?
Zia Simpson: I can find someone to brand your evil empire more deceptively. "Earth Eradication Inc." is too straight forward.
Kodos: The moody human girl has a point. Maybe she CAN help us. Who is this evil genius?

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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