Forum Discussion

direwolf987's avatar
11 years ago

Walkthrough Fact Check

I didn't know you got 5 tokens for spying on friends' SC lodge. Thanks.
  • I've heard so many variations on how many emblems I collect from clearing pyramids in my own town that I don't know WHAT to believe anymore. I follow topic, addicts, wikia, TSTO, and this forum.

    Here are the explanations I have read:

    Five for 2 hours
    Then four for one hour
    Then three for one hour
    Then two for one hour
    Then one until the end of the world as we know it.

    Five for one hour
    Then decreases ONE PER HOUR but never drops below one (until the end of the world)

    Same as Version One, except the timer resets at midnight.

    And now I'm seeing the one in your list for the first time, which I shall call
    Five emblems for the first 2 hours
    Then drops by one emblem after two hours, and every two hours thereafter, until they aren't worth anything (after 8 hours)

    Is there anyone who has real, hard FACTS on this?

    That wasn't frustration directed at you, direwolf!!! Your list is amazing! I'll go have another look and see if there's anything I've heard that's not on there.

    Meanwhile, anyone know which version is true?
  • annettemarc wrote:
    I've heard so many variations on how many emblems I collect from clearing pyramids in my own town that I don't know WHAT to believe anymore. I follow topic, addicts, wikia, TSTO, and this forum.

    Here are the explanations I have read:

    Five for 2 hours
    Then four for one hour
    Then three for one hour
    Then two for one hour
    Then one until the end of the world as we know it.

    Five for one hour
    Then decreases ONE PER HOUR but never drops below one (until the end of the world)

    Same as Version One, except the timer resets at midnight.

    And now I'm seeing the one in your list for the first time, which I shall call
    Five emblems for the first 2 hours
    Then drops by one emblem after two hours, and every two hours thereafter, until they aren't worth anything (after 8 hours)

    Is there anyone who has real, hard FACTS on this?

    That wasn't frustration directed at you, direwolf!!! Your list is amazing! I'll go have another look and see if there's anything I've heard that's not on there.

    Meanwhile, anyone know which version is true?

    Thanks. But I just picked the first thing I saw on the emblem depreciation and plugged it into the list :) If anyone knows 100% what it is, let me know and I'll change it. That goes for anything else on that list.
  • One thing you might want to add is that the 60 action max only applies to the person doing the visiting. After your 60 actions, YOU stop getting emblems, but the people you are visiting will get emblems from all buildings tapped. So be a good neighbor and keep tapping. And if you DO choose the option of only tapping the lodge the first time around, BE SURE to go back and give them those other two taps.

    Hopefully, you can put that into FAR fewer words!
  • Cool! I think it's two hours after it goes down because I'm pretty certain there have been sometimes where I get notified that someone is spying on me but I don't go on for about another 1 and a half hours yet I still get 5 emblems. :-)
  • maximbarne126 wrote:
    Cool! I think it's two hours after it goes down because I'm pretty certain there have been sometimes where I get notified that someone is spying on me but I don't go on for about another 1 and a half hours yet I still get 5 emblems. :-)

    I agree with that 8)
  • annettemarc wrote:
    I've heard so many variations on how many emblems I collect from clearing pyramids in my own town that I don't know WHAT to believe anymore. I follow topic, addicts, wikia, TSTO, and this forum.

    Here are the explanations I have read:

    Five for 2 hours
    Then four for one hour
    Then three for one hour
    Then two for one hour
    Then one until the end of the world as we know it.

    Five for one hour
    Then decreases ONE PER HOUR but never drops below one (until the end of the world)

    Same as Version One, except the timer resets at midnight.

    And now I'm seeing the one in your list for the first time, which I shall call
    Five emblems for the first 2 hours
    Then drops by one emblem after two hours, and every two hours thereafter, until they aren't worth anything (after 8 hours)

    Is there anyone who has real, hard FACTS on this?

    That wasn't frustration directed at you, direwolf!!! Your list is amazing! I'll go have another look and see if there's anything I've heard that's not on there.

    Meanwhile, anyone know which version is true?
    version one & two are the same thing. I dont believe version three.

    So really only two options and its in the timing that is the issue.
  • annettemarc wrote:
    One thing you might want to add is that the 60 action max only applies to the person doing the visiting. After your 60 actions, YOU stop getting emblems, but the people you are visiting will get emblems from all buildings tapped. So be a good neighbor and keep tapping. And if you DO choose the option of only tapping the lodge the first time around, BE SURE to go back and give them those other two taps.

    Hopefully, you can put that into FAR fewer words!

    Darn, do I have to do everything :lol: Just kidding. I can do that.

    Anything else anyone can think of?