Clubs Improvements - Part 2
Hey all! Some of you may remember the original Clubs improvements thread I posted shortly after release over here - Clubs - Feature Additions/Improvements | EA Forums - 8378950
While a chunk of the above is still relevant, I figured it would be good to refresh it after some Clubs updates over the last year and a bit.
1 - Moderated Clubs - we still can't moderate clubs like we could in DR 2.0. To run larger-scale private community events/series, you are forced to run with "friends only" enabled and have drivers add you as a friend. I'm not keen on accepting anyone and everyone onto my friends list, so we have to run a separate Racenet admin account. On DR 2.0, you could set the club to simply have people apply to join - a much more simple and efficient solution for everyone.
2 - Multiclass - this should be considered core functionality to online rallying, given it is such a core component of real rally. It is a feature that was in the original DiRT Rally Leagues. Having to run multiple clubs to run an accurate modern WRC season really shouldn't be necessary at this point. Merging the results after an event is also a pain.
3 - More club management options - various things here:
- Ability to create events/series through the Racenet website.
- Ability to set specific start dates/times without working out how many days and hours you need the event to start at a specific time. It feels needlessly fiddly.
- Ability to limit driver view options, as you can in Quick Play multiplayer.
- Ability to allow or disallow specific assists.
- Ability to force PC users to have fog ON.
4 - Stage Degradation - a feature in DiRT Rally 2.0 where we could set stage-specific stage degradation. Now we're limited to one setting for an entire event/championship.
5 - Location mixing - a feature in DiRT Rally Leagues and previous KT WRC games. It would be great to run an event that uses more than one location. This would give us the ability to run big, varied events. Say mix together Estonia and Latvia, or a marathon French tarmac rally with Monte Carlo and Corsica combined.
As I said in the previous thread, I'm sure there's more I could add, but these things alone would make a big difference to club owners and community admins.