Additionally to the already named issues with resuming saved championships there is also a problem with the AIs tire strategies. During longer rallies the AI will use almost every service to switch to new tires leading to them running out of tires way to soon. For I example I created the 2023 Finland Rally in Quick play with a setup like this:
Day1: Service - Stage 1- Service - Stage2 - Stage3 - Stage4 - Stage5 - Service - Stage6 - Stage7 - Stage8 - Stage9 - Stage10
Day2: Service - Stage11 - Stage12 - Stage13 - Stage14 - Service - Stage15 - Stage16 - Stage17 - Stage18
Day3: Service - Stage19 - Stage20 - Service - Stage21 - Stage22
With this rally the game grants you 1 set of Soft tires and 2 sets of medium tires, with an addition set of your choice through the shakedown. A proper tire strategy might look like this:
Day1: 1x Set of Softs (from Shakedown)
Day2: 2x Sets of Mediums
Day3: 1x Set of Softs
Instead the AI will always show a fresh set of tires at the beginning of Day2 with them never changing afterwards, which makes me suspect they go through their 4 sets changing at every available service (marked above with underline). This leads to them falling back minutes each stage after around stage16 or stage17.
The expected behavior would be for the AI to check the overall rally length, number of available services and spread of the services to try to minimize the number of stages running worn out tires.
Side-note: It would also be cool to give the option to set the number of available tire sets as a rally option somewhere. While I actually like how it plays out in the example above because you have to actually think about how to use your tires and you will have to run a few stages with low grip, it still might be cool to make it easier if wanted or at least spice up the tire choices a bit.
Still it's worlds better as DR2.0 where you got free tires every service making the choice trivial, so kudos for that!