i totally agree with you! sometimes i'm distracted by this, but sometimes it helps too (for me i depends on wich mode i play if i play my own chanpionship its ok if i play moments i need it lol) ! and ti's a very annoying bug so i had to signal this! and i've been trying to speak english for 48 years (i'm 48 :D) so maybe one day.. i'll improve it too lol. i'm an odl school player ,don't care about career mode online mode and i still play with a pad (tried a wheel but it's not my thing). but i'm not mad at them cos i think even if the game has a lot of bug/ defauts it make me think of colin mc crae 1(or4) on ps one ilf you're old like me lol! a perfect mix between arcady and sim! and every games nowadays have plenty of bug cos there a lot of thing for console computer to manage. dirt was goog but i.a totally insane sometimes you drive like a god and thaht was the reason why you couldnt finish the masters mode (always first ,except in masters ,very frustating, just for a few point) asphalt was like ice andplenty of other default that "pro" never mentionned like car all slide like soap lol!: dirt 2 was a little more realistic on asphalt i think and even with a pad you could feel diffference on surface which (my opinion) with a pad was not the case (played both game with wheel too did'nt like it but felt bette with dirt 2 anywa
y) welel you know all my life :D BUT to resume i'd say I LOVE THIS GAME with his defaut (payed it 29.99 euros promotion/dsicount can't find the world) and for this price i have a last content like wrc game (kylotoon) wich on ever liked except maybe 7th i played a little! cos every body critizing the fact that codemaster wa bough by e.a but what i'm thinking is thaht now, we don't have those "6" stage we've had for 25 years in their rally game! it's a great stars, really people shoud'nt forget that it's a very -good- NEW start too!