Forum Discussion
If there is an issue with your Steam files, verifying as below should help.
Steam Verify files -
Additional stepps:
Make sure your display is connected to your GPU and not the motherboard video output
Run System File Checker to help ensure the integrity of your Windows System files:
Perform a clean boot before starting: or
@EA_Barry While I'm thankful for your reply, I'm far beyond these "standard" suggestions you provided - altough "Make sure your display is connected to your GPU and not the motherboard video output" was worth a heartfelt laughter.
As I pointed out in my other thread, my system is clean and stable, has been for years now. I play other games regularly, and unless it's a known issue, I have no crashes / technical issues with any of them.
I don't want to mix the issue of my other thread ("game files missing" crash to desktop") with the one I made this thread for too much, to avoid confusion.
tl;dr: The game crashes to desktop without an error message on ver. 1.8.0.
I9 9900k
RTX 4070ti @ 1440p, DLSS on, Gsync on, constant 100fps.
- jazzbutter11 months agoNew Adventurer
I appreciate the quick follow-up, but I'll echo the same sentiments - I have tried all of that. That is why I had mentioned my wiping of the the two dirs manually.
This would be the only game I have issues with
I should add that I did read a suggestion about Varjo Home (Varjo Aero) being open and active when launching the game (even 2D) to order to fix this issue, and I also globally disabled OpenXR Toolkit as recommended - no change, same issue.