2 years ago
WRC Steam Not Launch
Bought the game today on Steam. Bought from Steam. Game installed. I click on start game on steam. The green button turns blue for 5-8secondds then it goes back to start. It's like the game launc...
Try adding `-NOVR` to the game options.
This is possibly happening because of it trying to launch the VR version and you not having VR. Hope it helps.
For Steam:
Click the Gear
Click Properties
Type "-NOVR" (no quotes, yes dash) into "LAUNCH OPTIONS"
Then try launching
Let us all know if this works for you!
Having same issue, -NOVR did not work. I did play the game in VR before having the issue. Already try repair, clear cache and uninstall. Nothing worked. Sad I was really enjoying the game.
I kept looking for the issue and found a solution that worked for me. Disable active OpenXR API layers in STEAMVR settings. FIXED!