Sorry to post the same bug twice (please lmk if I need to delete a duplicate post). Yesterday, I logged into Apex Legends, went to the event challenges in the challenges tab, and then to the event tr...
6th Anniversary event pack bug
12 days agoHero
Swagboy15FaZe It gave me two packs as well.
Dr_Drakeman I've already reported it when it happened to me, but I don't think you would get banned or anything for opening up the second pack, as you weren't the one who had given yourself the second pack, (the game did).
If you're worried, you could leave the pack unopened. I personally had opened up both packs.
- Swagboy15FaZe12 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Oo okay. I was worried when opening it that, after a while, they would ban you. But it makes sense that you probably won't, since the game gave you the pack. I had wanted to buy the event but got worried after this bug happened. I'll wait a little bit to see if they fix this.
- Midnight974612 days agoHero
Swagboy15FaZe It wouldn't make sense to ban a player for earning something extra that they had no control over. We, (the players), all saw that there was only one event pack in the event tracker, and thus had expected to get only one event pack. The fact that we were given two event packs, is not our fault.
Now, if you had used an exploit to gain a free pack, then yes, you would get banned for that. However, just by playing the event as its intended, isn't an exploit, (otherwise everyone would of been banned).
If it helps to calm some nerves, when I had reported the issue to EA/Respawn, that was on February 14th, and I'm still able to play the game.
I'll be sure to update everyone if I hear anything more about the extra pack.- Swagboy15FaZe12 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Thanks for letting me know. It does make sense that you wouldn't get banned since you get it unexpectedly from the event tracker.
Also, thanks for keeping us updated if you hear from them! Hopefully, this will be fixed/situated soon.
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