Sorry to post the same bug twice (please lmk if I need to delete a duplicate post). Yesterday, I logged into Apex Legends, went to the event challenges in the challenges tab, and then to the event tr...
6th Anniversary event pack bug
11 days agoNew Spectator
This has happened to me 2 or 3 times with regular apex packs and chain offers from events, so I can empathize with your feelings and I am very worried. I hope that the problem will be fixed soon after seeing these reports.
11 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I also had this happen with the free normal packs from the event tracker. To calm some worries, I don't think anything will happen since the packs came from the game. Compared to if someone hacked in packs for you. You can also leave the packs unopened until they address it (which is what I'm doing rn). Hopefully, they fix this bug soon!
- ONE_game27511 days agoNew Spectator
Thank you for your reply.
I too have left the pack I got due to the bug unopened.
Your reply helped ease my concerns.
Thank you.- Midnight974611 days agoHero
ONE_game275 I had opened up the extra pack it had given me. I'll be sure to update everyone if anything happens as a result of that, (so far, I can still play the game).
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