
Minokin1's avatar
New Spectator
5 months ago

Game configuration failed/Failed to retrieve data

Since Sunday 27th October, loading into online games has stopped working. In WOC I constantly get the message "game configuration failed" whenever I am loading into a game no matter which club is used for the session. In other modes, such as versus, I get the message "failed to retrieve data" along with the error code whenever I load into a game. Every single method the web can offer has been tested and the only correlation I can think of is the system update that sony rolled out during Friday 25th October but I did manage to play a few games right after the system update. Nothing in my settings has been changed at all

The workaround has been to create both a new PSN and EA-account and it works as normal

Platform: PS5

When does the error occur: When loading into any online game

What game modes are affected: All online game modes

Network Settings: NAT Type 2 - 1000/1000 connection - Wired - Default DNS


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