
LazyBuzzard86's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
8 days ago

Missing Features / Bugs

Please fix this EA, I know the game has only just come out but it shouldn’t have launched like this… Someof these issues might be things you have deliberately left out for whatever reason I have no idea... But please take all of this seriously for the sake of your community!

1 - Exact Region / Group Size missing on Chel… This is a huge problem and if it’s not a bug needs to be added back asap!

2 - Intermission / Inbetween Play Overlays such as the Grude Match and Highlights stay on screen for too long resulting in missing the face off / start of a play, this is happening for my friend too but doesn’t happen to us all the time…

3 - Turning vibration off in controller settings does not disable vibration (PS5)

4 - Turning off controller audio then quitting the game / restarting PS5 turns controller audio back on

5 - There was an issue where I couldn't leave the loadout select menu in the EASHL 3v3 lobby

6 - Missing NHL / AHL colour options in custom branding when customising the brand of your chel team

7 - Alt Jersey not saving jersey or socks when going in team practice on chel (none scrimmage)

8 - Replay showing previous goal scored instead of penalty (wrong replay being shown) 

9 - Menus are ridiculously laggy and slow yet again, though not much that can probably be done regarding that now I guess…

Some of these bugs / missing features are game breaking honestly, didn’t pay all this money for the deluxe edition to experience this day one, I 110 percent won’t be buying at launch ever again! If it takes too long to correct the above… 

(Other than that I love how the game plays, the skating physics etc, but come on please fix what I and others have mentioned sooner rather than later otherwise this game will flop) 

  • I’m also putting this here, the laggy menus… How is it that back on Xbox 360 etc we never had these sluggish horrible menus (mainly on chel in the store) I wonder if it’s due to how many assets are loaded on there, and if that’s the case just go back to the days when we didn’t have chel coins, and we would just have access to everything that’s in offline be a pro from the get go! And if EA really want to make money then just have a section for there Premium Coins where they sell unrealistic none sim like werewolf / vampire / robocop costumes (which by the way I think is just completely immersion breaking) that way if someone wants a neon pink chrome helmet they will have to pay for it and EA makes a bunch of money whilst those of us who don’t care for that stuff have a selection of realistic looking equipment from the get go. Ahhh! I really hope someone comes out with an awesome hockey game so EA has competition and finally listens to there community…

    • LazyBuzzard86's avatar
      Seasoned Rookie

      I got a response from the community manager on the same post but in a different part of the forums saying they are aware of all this but can’t comment further at this time… How about, we are aware of this and we ARE working on a fix for the 4th October! Honestly so annoyed, and if they don’t sort this out soon I will literally scream to the roof tops how they don’t give a toss about there community, I ranted on stream yesterday and chat were disgusted too! What was the point in Early Access for those of us who play Chel really…

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