
doomdarling's avatar
New Spectator
2 months ago

[LD] Crow bought from Waylon only has 'mood'

My crow only has "Mood" and not "Hunger" or "Perch State". I took out all my mods and repaired my game, but still my crow only had the "Mood" and nothing else. I couldn't copy it or change its swatches. I finally just went into BB to see if it was just that one and it was. The crow bought from BB was fine. The only thing different is that I bought the crow from Waylon. Also I noticed that the perch of the crow bought from Waylon is a swatch that you can't pick from BB. Don't know if this is intended. 

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title to better reflect the issue

  • Players can purchase the Grim Standard Ascendant Crow for 825 Simoleons in the Pet Furniture section of the Pets tab in Build Mode.
    Players can purchase the Grim Deluxe Ascendant Crow for 1,000 Simoleons by speaking to Waylon Warez and selecting the Purchase Warez option. It will be sent to the Sim's Household Inventory so they must return home to place it. 
    There is one major difference between the Standard and Deluxe Ascendant Crow in The Sims 4: the Grim Deluxe Ascendant Crow doesn't have a Hunger or Perch State Need, reducing maintenance work.
    You got the high-grade crow, which doesn't have Hunger or Perch State.

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