Animals are such a crucial part of my gameplay. I did a fresh reinstall, made sure animal aging was off and it still happened. I recently saw Little Ms Sam has a fix called "RBF - Disable Cottage Living Aging Fix" but it was created and last updated in 2023. When my animals died after the fresh reinstall I just stopped playing The Sims 4 altogether because it was too upsetting lol. So I haven't tried Little Ms Sam's fix to see if it still works. I really hope this bug can be moved up to a priority fix along with the missing clutter items.
I just tried LMS: RBF - Disable Cottage Living Aging Fix, I still got the message that my cow only has a few more days left. :(
- LuvMySimz2 months agoSeasoned Ace
Yes same here even with this mod installed.
- Caerfinon27 days agoSeasoned Ace
The LittleMsSam mod RBF - Disable Cottage Living Aging Fix only works on animals that appear in game after the mod is installed. Animals that are already in game will still age and die. New ones should not.
The mod does not allow for chicks growing into roosters or hens either so purchase only adults.The mod also prevents mini sheep and goats from the Horse Ranch pack from dying as well.