
sydschupp's avatar
6 hours ago

Confidence Level for Children (Growing Together)

The confidence level in the simology panel for children is not updating. My sim just aged up into a teen and has the High Self-Esteem trait (that you get from having high confidence as a child) but they had the Neutral Confidence trait in their simology panel as a child. The confidence trait stayed neutral the entire time they were a child, it never changed to high or low. I am having the same issue with another child sim now. 

Playing on Mac. 

1 Comment

  • sydschuppthere is an open bug report under the archived area for this issue. It started after the pre Life & Death update and I too have experienced this in my game. The only plus is it doesn't seem to affect children getting the high self esteem trait, but it does make it impossible to check (apart from my children tend to be confident a lot from 'growing self esteem' regardless of the 'trait' being stuck on neutral. [OPEN] [GRO] Child's confidence level does not change | EA Forums - 11684233

    Best regards,

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