So after finding this thread yesterday when my game was doing the same thing, I think I figured out what might be at least part of the issue. I went into an unplayed household, gave them the fabrication skills, juicing skills and other relevant skills and made sure they had plenty of bits and pieces. I then made a club with them with the location of maker station and had the activity to only be fabrication and juice fizzing. Then went back to my household and visited the lot. The club gathered but not one sim went to the fabricator or juice fizzer they just stood there chatting. I then used the mod "control any sim" to try to get the one I gave skills to go fabricate and it says he doesn't have enough bits and pieces to fabricate when it shows he has over 5000. So it appears the game isn't recognizing the materials needed to fabricate for NPC sims. Not sure yet why the marketplace won't spawn vendors but I do believe the issue with maker space is that even with the skill and club activity the game is not allowing them to do anything based on the bits and pieces issue.