It is annoying. It seems to be tied to the "required items" for that type of lot. You can place all sorts of items in the different types of community lots, but random NPCs only use required items.
Previously the generic community lots without any changes except removing rubbish would at least get some dumpster action, eg Woo Hoo, scavenging for food or sorting recyclables and using Recycler. Now no one visits at all as you have seen. Not connected to mods or cheats as I don't use either.
Previously, they'd use whatever you added and it was fascinating watching them use stuff, skilling up and keeping what they made (except for paintings - which they did take sometimes if you moved them to a wall.)
My Sims are using everything but not the required items. I also use LMS autoemployee to get my stall vendor back. That's why a barista will be availble as well. I have some visitors but the are only performing woodworking, playing basketball, order food, but nothing eco lifestyle specific.
- Ozambersand4 months agoSeasoned Adventurer
Interesting. What is the lot designated as?
The change is amusing in that I used to have my Sim try to use a Fabricator or a dumpster and they would be prevented by a non controlled Sim who had just entered the lot and obviously took priority. But that was preferable to no one using them.