
danielledaisy13's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 days ago
Mod Related

Error Code 135:<Various>

Downloaded the hotfix update for TS4 06/03/25, and launched the game - no issues whatsoever. Completely fine. Playing with mods, CC, whole shebang - fine. Got my teen aged up to YA (I play generationally) and ready to move out to Nordhavan to be a big gay pottery-lovin' menace.

Quit the game, download Businesses & Hobbies, launched the game, could not load my played household. I tried several times, this is the message:

The game failed to load. Error code: 135:f620ebc:30831aec . It is recommended that you relaunch the game.

Relaunched, same thing. Heard rumours that there may be a conflict with mods or existing saves. Relaunched, tried to load into an unplayed household, same error (above). Relaunched into an existing save (like, a pre-made save file which I have never played, but is downloaded), same error. Relaunched into a brand-new base game (dull) save, same error!

When I remove mods/cc, and launch a brand-new base game save, it works. But that's no way to live </3.

So I added back in mods/cc, and launch into a brand-new base game save:

The game failed to load. Error code: 110:bleeeb7:2efed54e . It is recommended that you relaunch your game.

Is anyone else having this issue? I literally booked time off work to play this f*****g game. What do I do?

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title


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  • Miaoumaiden's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 days ago

    Tried removing any mods by her that I had and that wasn't the issue for me unfortunately... It's weird tho. While I was trying various things it randomly worked again on one save. I didn't change anything (was in the middle of testing if it was any of twistedmexi's mods), I hadn't left the game, still had a ton of other mods in, I just randomly went to see if I could go into build mode on a nordhaven lot and I could just fine. So I went to try live mode again and it worked! Then I couldn't replicate it again and I still can't... At this point I'm at a total loss. I'm not even sure if I believe it's truly a mod issue... 

  • Monikrow's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 days ago

    This is what is was for me. Thank you for figuring it out! 

  • vadish3825's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    3 days ago

    Do you have Royal Gigs? She just confirmed to me it's that one. It's separate from Royal Family. There could be others though too.

  • vadish3825's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    3 days ago

    Weird...did you try crinrict's instructions, taking your mods folder out? That worked for me, then I put mods back in and narrowed it down to Kiara's royal gigs (she confirmed to me it's that one). There could be others by her too. I took everything related to her royal family mod out.

  • Danniwood2010's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 days ago

    I am also having this issue. I can get the game to launch, and when i click resume family, it loads, but it loads me to the "manage world" screen. When I go and click the world that the family was in that I was trying to "resume" it loads into the world fine. I click on the specific lot/house/family and it initiats the next load, and then gave me the : The game failed to load. Error code: 110:bleeeb7:2efed54e . It is recommended that you relaunch your game.    I use cc/mods as well. However, when i logged out i noticed a BE & LE - It wont let me attach the BE report so here is the LE. I do see in the BE there are some duplicate paths. So I am going to try and remove those now. Just updating the thread as well on channel because I seen other commenters say it was the "RoyalMod" and i dont have that mod, so I dont think its that specific mod, but it could be a mod related issue, so I will report back shortly.


  • IFullMoon's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 days ago

    Guys! I had the same issue for the error code 135. I deleted all the career mods and it's work now! I can load the household without problem after the mods related to career are gone:)

  • IFullMoon's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 days ago

    Guys! I had the same issue on error code 135. I removed the mods related to career and it's work now! I can load my household without problem. I still have the other mods but no issue on them.

  • EA_Solaire's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 days ago

    Hi all,

    As this appears to be a mod related issue, please post in the Mods & Custom Content section of the forum here if you're needing further help on this. Thanks!  

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