
Khlas's avatar
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2 months ago
Under Investigation

Eyes/Eyelids Issues (Patch 1.110.265/2.01)


Since my bug report been archived and lost in the deep mountain, I restart a new one with all the updated ressources. TESTED WITH AND WITHOUT MODS/CLEAN SAVE, THIS BUG OCCURS ALL THE TIME.

I am a modder and an animator and it seems that the eyelids doesn't translate correctly in the game like it used to be since this bug was introduced, and it's still there with the new patch. When the sim looks downside, the bottom eyelids don't move at all, making sims looks creepy (the eyes go inside the eyelid).

I did some animations with the eyelids moving down while the eyes are looking down, and the animation from the eyelids doesn't translate correctly in the game at all. It affects any animations in the game right now.

This is an example using CAS with maxis animations, where the eyes aren't closing completely due to the eyelids animations not translating correctly in the game. Before the eyelashes patch, they were closing just fine.

Gifs with the bug : 



This is a gif from 2022, so without the bug :


Maxis animations :



Custom animation :

For developpers/animators :

I did another test, just to show you how terrible this thing is.

For this test, I did a simple sleeping pose I will use to demonstrate the bug, because unfortunately it's the only way to explain the issue more properly, by comparing in an animating program and then how it translates in the game.

To achieve this result in the game with the eyes being closed like this :

In a posing/animating program, I had to do this :




There is clearly an error of how the eyelids translate in the game since the lovestruck patch. I'd like to know if maxis is aware of this issue and if they will fix this, as it affect every animations in the game.

If I'm closing the eyes as usual in the program,

this is the result I get in the game :

And no, it's not the program fault. This happens since the lovestruck patch and again, it affects all the animations from the game, even the vanilla ones. I believe a data from the eyelids or something similar has been touched and it needs to be reverted back.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit migrated bug report: [ARCHIVED] Eyes/Eyelids Issues (Patch 1.110.265/2.01) | EA Forums - 11719135 

Generally it's not necessary to re-report issues in the archive. They are still active. Please refer to [PLEASE READ] Information/Questions about the bug forum | EA Forums - 11850203 for more info

Archived thread had around 179 me toos


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