Here is a new anecdotal observation for what it’s worth. I have two Sims in the same household. Both of them are at the level of seasoned thespian. They both signed up for auditions at the same time, 9 AM. One auditioned for the Sheriff from Alpha Centauri. The other auditioned for Tournament of Honor. They both returned from their auditions at approximately the same moment. The alpha Centauri audition was passed and updated to provide the appropriate pre-gig tasks. There was the usual notification of “audition passed!” The other Sim received no notification. And their audition for Tournament of Honor continued to say Starts 9 AM (which was now 2 1/2 hours ago). Sure enough, when I traveled the Sims to another lot, his audition updated to the scheduled gig/tasks for Tournament of Honor. It’s very strange that the “audition glitch” would hit one Sim in the same household but not the other Sim?