New data on this issue:
Testing environment- Paddywack's Emporium, a default lot in Magnolia Promenade. No mods installed relating to retail, only CAS mods.
Two tests:
1. Set items on shelves for sale, but not on the floor or counters. In this case, Sims enter the store and kids will play on the floor, adults will read books, adults will have mindless conversation, etc.
2. Close the store. Set items on countertops or on the floor (guitars) for sale. Sims enter the store and browse quietly, even moving around between items, fully behaving in ways I've frankly never seen them behave at retail before.
I made a suite of mods to make retail run better recently and have a pretty solid grasp on the game's systems for it, and it appears they simply don't work if there's nothing for sale on a floor or counter and/or if the only things for sale are on shelves. I'm not talking misbehavior- I mean the entire sales system isn't activating anymore (and it was before this patch when I made those mods, because my test store for those mods had everything on shelves).
It also appears something changed in the python tuning for this patch that makes customers actually behave for the first time in their lives, as most of my mods were designed to make this happen- and I find it's happening much better than it *ever* has in a fresh and modless save...but ONLY if a countertop or floor item is for sale.
I have reloaded the save and bought Paddywack's Emporium and run these two tests 3 times. Every single time, guests do nothing retail-related and misbehave, until something on a counter or floor is set for sale.
Here is video of the issue as I have just explained it
Video Description: A freshly owned maxis-built retail store is opened. On a first test, only items on shelves are set for sale. When opened, customers immediately misbehave- forming social conversation groups, playing chess, reading books, even playing with guitars in the store. The store is closed. Items on counters and the floor are set for sale. The store is re-opened. Customers arrive, and behave- not one of them tries to use any items in the store, even a chair. They do not start conversations with anyone but the store owner.
- Dan_0nino_019 days agoRising Vanguard
I just checked the video. it´s literally how it happens in my game.