Ok, so what is bugged are SHELVES, PEDESTALS and DISPLAYS (every kind of them from GTW), like these
If you place something in them and set it for sale, it's like sims will not see it and retail won't work (no purchase intent or anything) so sims will only chat, (the most simple way to find it is to open a bakery) so it should be a problem with the tuning of shelves that changed with last update. The moment you put for sale something that isn't in the shelves, like in a table or on the ground or a mannequin, sims will start acting ''normal'' (even buying items on the shelves, but not browsing in them, they just concetrate around the item that is NOT set on the shelves) like this
In the picture I set everything in the store for sale but sims concetrate in the thing (the toy on the countertop) and dont care about the items on the SHELVES, and if I delete that toy, retail won't work.
- Intern_Waffle_6420 days agoRising Vanguard
Just a point of clarification that the utning for shelves did not change in the last patch. They changed under-the-hood stuff for how retail and businesses work (this was why I mentioned making mods for it recently, I didn't communicate well enough the point of that anecdote was that I know very well how retail "behaves" and it's very clear that they've updated it). The tuning's identical but something in the under-the-hood python tuning isn't directing sims to check these tables- most likely answer is that they were updated to be functional for small business retail and in the process something got lost for GTW retail.
So sims arrive at your store, think nothing is for sale, can't do sale stuff, and just behave as normal sims would in an otherwise "neutral" environment not directing them to do anything (I've also done extensive explanation posts on how venues work so I'm working off that knowledge too lol)