Seriously, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. To EA; You recently did a major, huge update to the Sims 4 with your legacy update and you STILL haven't addressed this issue making an entire PAID DLCs content unplayable. Honestly, if this doesn't get resolved soon, EA should be offering refunds because this is just blatantly stealing money from players now. This bug has been unfixed for eight months, EIGHT. Are you serious??? Are we going to have to wait an entire year for the right to play the game we paid for to attend highschool with our teens???? You made a new in game activity and most of us can't even participate in it without being forced to age up our sims. Disgusting business practices and I really think EA should stop making new DLCs when they can't even get their previous ones to function properly. What a waste of an update all to ignore the biggest issue Sims 4 has ever had.