After a lot of testing with a vanilla game and a previous saves
repairing my game 3 times and resetting my folder twice
with vanilla game and previous saves
as long as you have your sims talking they stay seated in a group if however they are not constantly talking they get up start taking note like they are food critics constantly standing up and eating not sitting down
on dates in vanilla game and previous saves
on a date stayed seated if constantly talking if not they do get up but they might sit down if directed to do so everything working so far once food comes out to the table mostly things are getting ticked off apart from socialise about food then no further thing gets ticked off ( keep in mind it only works if you’re constantly keeping an eye on things )
I can’t pinpoint when this started happening but in my game it mostly functioned well apart from the musical chairs thing but they always sat down when directed and finished the meal in both vanilla and previous saves it started breaking when love struck patch was released and got worse after the life and death event then even worse after that I don’t own love struck
taking my sims out on dates and family meals are a big part of my gameplay it’s frustrating that this and other packs are now broken and can’t be enjoyed properly
Thanks for anyone who can give me advice or help on this