This was posted 8 months ago and there is still no solution? I've been having this issue for a while with one of my sims who I movied into my household, he will regularly revert back to his gallery look when I relaunch the game and its so UNBELIEVABLY ANNOYING! If anyone at EA is reading this please find a fix, its been 8 MONTHS and matching with sims from the gallery is one of my favourite features from Lovestruck, however this bug is driving me so CRAZY that I don't think I will ever use this feature again.
I’m having this issue too and it really has me enraged. I finally decided to save the sim to my own gallery with the edited outfits and now my sim has to start from scratch but the original wouldn’t even change out of her clothes for a freaking shower which doesn’t even make sense. So while that’s not really a solution considering I have to start the relationship all over.. it’s somewhat of a compromise I guess. Unreal this has been ongoing for 8 months!