Neighbouring Wall Mailboxes have interactions they shouldn't
Back in 2016, when City Living launched, maxis had added this feature for ownerships of mailboxes. This feature would enable a nameplate mesh to show strictly on the current active unit's closest wall mailbox and only let you interact with that one. These mailboxes also function the same with For Rent units!
Also please iron out the tagging for the boxes as they're not the same and should at this point be brought into the normal catalog :)However, it seems later interactions added to mailboxes would not get the required ownership tests added! Not sure why, but it's a neat feature and I'd like this fixed as I was able to fix this myself and attached the solutions as well as all IDs of the objects needing to be added to the world.mailbox_owner_helper module as well as every affordance (interaction) ID that need a test to test if a mailbox has ownership features and some extra fallback tests to avoid issues incase a player doesn't use wall mailboxes and uses multiple normal boxes, which cause issues with interactions showing, lol.
The nameplates have been made accurately to this day even with the new expansion - Businesses & Hobbies
It's hard to see the nameplate, but the other type (City Living) design has a whole tag disappear, incase this ends up being tested out.Thank you <3 Attached are the module xml code + a snippet including all the affordances needing the tests as well as the test itself
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<M n="world.mailbox_owner_helper" s="15254325742064345739">
<C n="MailboxOwnerHelper">
<T n="active_state_value">147347<!--ObjectStateValue: MailboxWall_Nameplate_1_Yes--></T>
<T n="default_state_value">147346<!--ObjectStateValue: MailboxWall_Nameplate_0_No--></T>
<L n="definitions">
<T>120225<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set1 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125313<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set2 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125314<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set3 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125315<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set4 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125316<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set5 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125317<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set6 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125318<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set7 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125319<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set8 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<T>125320<!--mailboxWall_EP03GEN1unit_set9 (Apartment Mailbox)--></T>
<!--Mailboxes that need to be added-->
<L n="affordances">
<T>373378<!--SuperInteraction: mailboxWall_PayBills_FakeBillPayment--></T>
<L n="tests">
<V t="object_ownership">
<U n="object_ownership" />
<V t="state">
<U n="state">
<V n="fallback_behavior" t="always_pass" />
<T n="value">147347<!--MailboxWall_Nameplate_1_Yes--></T>
<E n="who">Object</E>
Edit By Crinrict: Removed multi-pack tag. If it's > 3 packs, just leave them off. Also adjusted title a bit. Please also only choose either Never mods or mods removed. Never means nothing in your mods folder for a very long time.