Okay I'm sure everyone will know what this means and I'm probably sure that the bug report exists but I couldn't find it. It could have been archived from the previous forum. Bug: Sims Constantly Ch...
Musical Chairs
8 days agoHero+
There's an old report for the sitting down before doing something here: [OPEN] Routing/Sit down issue on several interactions | EA Forums - 11234985 that probably influences most of what you are seeing. It's a very old issue and has never been solved.
There's also an individual one for infants here: Sim keeps putting infant down before putting them in crib et al. | EA Forums - 4982816
I'm not sure if the getting up between interactions is just how it works or if the other issue is just responsible for everything.
Musical chairs has always been a topic and many fixes have been done early on. Maybe this is as good as it gets.
- HALirious9k8 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
Indeed, it sure does sound like the same issue! Just add “conversation” to the list of actions that trigger a musical chairs session, I guess.
Just now I was playing and doing a Meeting with Fashion Influencer event, and both the influencer and the model had a little game of musical chairs while they talked by the bar over drinks.
- Bearpal647 days agoSeasoned Ace
I avoid going to bars or even having bars and barstools for that reason. It's like you're sitting already just stay seated while you wait for your drink lol
- Bearpal646 days agoSeasoned Ace
I really hope that it can be fixed even more
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
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