The festivals from City Living keep stacking on top of one another instead of despawning. My SIM lives in 19 Culpepper House and I play on an Xbox One. I do not use any CC or mods as I am a console p...
Overlapping festivals
5 months agoNew Spectator
After the 9/18 update, I loaded my legacy save file like I always do and the overlapping festival just appeared in the fashion district. I've tried solutions like disabling the pack, deleting the game, etc. Nothing is working and I think it's impacting the ability to have my sims travel anywhere in the city, or any world for that matter. Oddly enough, it's not impacting any other households in the same save file AND different save files; just this specific household (the one I always play) living in the fashion district.
I'm not sure what else to do but I've heard that this has been a glitch for years and it's become more prominent after the update. I hope sims can fix this because trashing my save file is the last thing I want to do.
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