
Lathian's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
5 hours ago

QOL - University Degrees as Traits

QOL (Quality of Life) – University Degrees as Traits

With the new expansion coming many players will probably be creating new neighborhoods and importing sims they have played to the new one.  I will be.  With that comes concerns of losing photos, objects and so on.  One of the major time losses are degrees from University which are not transferred and honestly kind of hard to see in game as it is.

I recommend all degrees have an associated badge trait when earned.  It does require some work but traits are passed through the gallery which would allow downloaded sims to have their proper degree they earned through gameplay.  It would also make it more obvious for sims to see the degree their Sim has as it is in the trait panel.  Also great for the gallery so players can download sims that have gone to University adding more value to that expansion.

All data is already in the game for the type of degree.  You could even make a nice fancier badge for honors degrees.  The trait badge would be added on top of the current information shown for degrees so you have several places to see it on your sim.

Code wise it would require some sort of check when a household is loaded that the university degree is present and updated.  If it doesn’t show the existing degree on the Sim on the character but they have the trait the game can issue the objects associated with the degree, update the information on the degree in the Sim and also transfers their diplomas they earned.

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    5 hours ago
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    This is not a game bug, and would be a better fit in the Feedback forum here

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