3 months agoNew Ace
this is happening to me too on a new computer (Windows 11, 24H2) using the RTX Nvidia 4070 TI Super with 16 gigs memory on a 2K monitor and 64 gigs RAM..I9 Intel.
If I save the game, close and reload, the flowers lingering in the air vanish. But if an arrangement is made on the table and moved to the location of choice, a footprint of flowers in the air remains at the arrangement table. Moving the table does not remove or move that footprint. If I make a different arrangement, the footprint for the new flower is left behind over a previous foot print from the prior arrangement (see SS 28 for the bunched up footprint lingering in the air after the table is moved).
- JessHarts2 months agoNew Spectator
having this same issue. Has anyone fixed it?
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