
esaelle's avatar
New Spectator
7 months ago

"Save error. Error code: 0."

Hi !

I have a problem in my game when I want to save my game.. I receive a message that tells me: "Save error. Error code: 0.". I don't know what can I do.. However, I tried to resolve this problem and I deleted all my mods and CC, but the problem is always present... Can someone help me ?

Thank you ;)


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  • No joke, I’m ready to give up on this game. 

    I’ve owned every version since 2014. I like to play and I play hard when I do but right now I’ve had it. Everything I do on my MacBook Pro glitches. I uninstalled and reinstalled today but it’s always something. Like when the game hangs and I have to tab out of the game and then come back to the game and then it’s OK. I do this like 10 times in 10 minutes. It’s ridiculous. 

    So once again, I am putting the game away and I’ll wait a few months to see if this updates. I just don’t have the heart to build up a family and do all these home modifications just to have an unplayable game when I really get into it.

    This is insanity.

  • kpaterson1997's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 months ago

    I tried that all throughout my gameplay yesterday, but when i loaded in today, it didnt save my progress at all. I'm back to where i started.

  • mchesbro3's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 months ago

    I did this too BUT then I noticed it'd save some details and not others. I had aged up my sims during my last play and when I came back in, they were back to their previous age. The only option I've seen so far is to "save as" each time -- but that just ain't right for a longterm solution.

  • I also have this issue - where can we report it so they can fix the bug? Just through these comments or is there a better place?

  • Managed to save my corrupted file. Got a tip on AHQ to uncheck Allow Automatic Breakups in game options so I went into my save file that had not been saving and did this plus made sure neighborhood stores was turned off in  manage worlds. I saved but when I went back it did not seem to have worked. I checked my save file and saw that it had saved as a .tmp file so I deleted the main save, deleted the .tmp extension on the new save file so it became my main save. Then in game it showed up. Had to name it and then played, first of all making sure no nhood stories were still in my mailbox. The last family I had played was Lillith Vatore and I had given her a job as a romance consultant. I was able to save a few times normally (save as and other workarounds had long stopped working prior). The game appears to be back to normal now and when I checked my save files I have the usual multiple save versions so my newer saves are overwriting the old ones correctly. I'm posting this as the patch is due, but don't trust patches anymore as the fix to correct the 123 error gave me the code 0 error, so I backed my save file up on an external drive just in case.

  • Status changed:

    When attempting to save, "Error Code: 0" no longer occurs related to Gigs or Neighborhood Stories.

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