
MapleSimmer's avatar
Seasoned Ace
2 months ago
Under Investigation

Some Clutter Objects Still Missing or Missing Tags

While many of the missing clutter objects are now back in the catalogue after the Jan 28 game update, these are still completely missing from the catalogue and can't even be touched with the clone tool. You can however still use the design tool on them. 

  1. Base game: Spice of Life Spice Rack
  2. HSY: Battling Chess Knight Figurines
  3. Paranormal: Book of Silhouettes
  4. Moschino: The Photographer's Irritation
  5. Pastel Pop: Fondly Felted Floral Creation
  6. Life & Death: The Macabre Writer's Quill 
  7. Life & Death: Johnny the Jarred Ghost
  8. HSY: Copperdale Llama Sports Mascot Figurine (thanks to sadbabcia's comment)

I shared in a comment on the original bug report that I have a room on the gallery with these items (I just uploaded a new room with all 8 missing items, today, Sunday Feb 2/25). 

While the individual items can't be cloned, you can use the copy room tool to copy the room and thereby get a copy of the items. 

These two items are still lacking tags, so therefore are at the end of the catalogue, & can't be cloned (I've now added screenshots, and you can also find them in the catalogue by searching on their name): 

  1. Spa Day: Nail Care Basics
  2. Cottage Living: Are you well, Well?




These two items from Werewolves are in clutter, however they can't be cloned, though I also checked in a game that is on an old version (still before the Lovestruck update, v DX9) and they couldn't be cloned there either, so perhaps that is by design.

  1. Lunar Expert's Studio and
  2. Surreptitiously Studious Stationery Pile (locked, need to be Beta of the Moonwood Collective)






Note I checked in a mod/cc free game and I play on computer (edited to add Windows 10). 

Best regards, 


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