
simmysimsin's avatar
Seasoned Vanguard
6 months ago

Some items and color swatches missing from game after 9/18/24 update (Xbox)

On my xbox series x console before the update on 9/18/24 my sim in live mode was wearing a sweatshirt that comes with the sims 4 university pack (that I own and have installed) with a specific color swatch that is light gray with dark grey sleaves (I also have an exact copy of this sim in my library that was created before the 9/18/24 update and in the household photo he is still wearing the university sweatshirt with the color swatch of light gray with dark gray sleaves). After the update on 9/18/24 I launched the sims 4 and loaded the save file that already has him in live mode and visited his household with another household I play, and he was wearing his default outfit and he was naked except for shoes (I can't remember what pants he was wearing but those are also missing). Then I opened up the saved household that I have of him in create a sim and I got a message that some items were removed because I either don't own or don't have that content installed and he was only wearing shoes for his default outfit. I then tried opening that same household from my library into create a sim in all of my other save files and I got the same message, and he was only wearing shoes for his default outfit. Then I created a new save file and tried opening that same household in that save file and I had the same problem. I then tried finding the university sweatshirt in cas to have him wear it again and it was there except for the same color swatch of it that he was wearing before the update. Also, I tried opening other households that were created before the update, and I am getting the same error with some of them in different outfit categories, and they are wearing different clothes, but I can't remember exactly what they were wearing before the update. I don't seem to be missing anything else from the sims 4 university pack as far as I can tell, but I'm not sure if it is just the university pack. 

Initially when I first noticed my sim was only wearing shoes in live mode, I didn't think much about it or investigate it further at the time because I have noticed in the past that my sims in households, I'm currently not playing often change their outfits to something I did not assign them to wear so I figured it was just one of those moments. However, on 9/26/24 which is the day after I completed the week one reaper event quests, I loaded my save file and once it was done loading and I got to manage worlds I got a message that game content is missing and if I save the game that data will be lost and that's when I started investigating why my sim was only wearing shoes. I have been getting that error randomly in all of my save files. I started a brand-new save file on 9/27/24 and I got the game content missing error in that save file on 9/29/24.

I have tried playing with online social settings on and off.  My xbox series x console is set as my home console. I am playing the sims 4 with the same xbox profile that I purchased the game and all the packs I have installed, and I signed out and back into my xbox profile.  I tried uninstalling and re-installing the Sims 4 game as well as all the packs I own. I tried clearing the cache on my xbox series x. What I own and have installed is:

Awesome Animal Hats digital content, Backyard stuff, Basement treasures kit, blooming rooms kit, book nook kit, bowling night stuff, bust the dust kit, castle estate kit, cats and dogs, city living, cool kitchen stuff, cottage living, courtyard oasis kit, cozy bistro kit, crystal creations, desert luxe kit, dine out, discover university, dream home decorator, eco lifestyle expansion pack, everyday clutter kit, fitness stuff, for rent, get famous, get to work, get together, goth galore kit, growing together, high school years, home chef hustle, horse ranch, industrial loft kit, island living, jungle adventure, kids room stuff, laundry day stuff, life of the party digital content, little campers kit, luxury party stuff, Moschino stuff, movie hangout stuff, my first pet stuff, my wedding stories, nifty knitting, outdoor retreat, paranormal stuff pack, parenthood, party essentials kit, perfect patio stuff, realm of magic, riviera retreat kit, rockin rancher digital content, romantic garden stuff, seasons, snowy escape, spa day, spooky stuff, journey to batuu, strangerville, street eats digital content, throwback fit kit, tiny living, toddler stuff, up all night digital content, vampires, vintage glamour stuff, werewolves.


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