Teeth Distorted and inside mouth is missing
I made this sim a while ago, he's a genetic makeup of his parents. I noticed his jaw was missing and his teeth distorted, I thought it was just something wrong with his teeth and thought changing it would fix it but no matter what teeth I chose it still stayed the same. I continued to play with him and his family cause they are side characters. Well him and my main character feel in love when they were teens, still didn't mind the distorted teeth because in my mind they weren't going to be together forever and she was going to end up with someone who had a better set of teeth 😅. After weeks of me plotting to break them up he autonomously proposed, I wasn't given the option to decline and now i've got a wedding to plan 🙃. I want him to have a good set of teeth on his wedding day, please someone help me😂 He's the only one who's teeth is like this in my game, I've repaired my game multiple times, and well as going through my mods folder to remove broken cc that was on him, and he still looks like this.CC not showing up(Windows)
So basically i did naything that i can do, and it's still not showing up. I checked the setting(Enable Custom Content and Mods), i have resource file in my mods folder, I did't put cc in more than 3 folders. But in game, I only can find script mods. Why are my rest of ccs not showing up? Thank you for reading and PLEASE someone give me the answer. i'm running out of my endurance.Black bar glitching
Okay, I was told to make a report here I think im really confused, but every time I open my game, I get a black bar glitching at the bottom of the screen. I would like help and possibly something I haven't tried already. I repaired the game, renamed the sims 4 folder, made a new one, cleared the Ea cache, and reinstalled everything any help would be great.Disappearing Sims Is Still Happening!!!
The latest update did not fix the disappearing sim issue. I was hoping it would have. now, I have to start a new neighborhood than my main one, and hope no sims still go missing in that hood specifically. This BADLY needs to be fixed ASAP. otherwise, I cannot play it nor can anybody else. this is disappointing, wondering if i can get a refund or something if this continues.Moving Files to Another Drive
Hello, I have been trying play my Sims 4 game for quite some time and I've had a lot of difficulty trying to figure out what I can do to fix it. I run my game through Steam and then I have custom content that I run through Curse forge then through the EA app and so on, and everything was working fine with my computer until I had gotten a larger hard drive, and it seems I'm having a hard time moving everything over to that new drive. I had originally somehow made it so my files were downloading into my OneDrive but with your forums help I was able to default my Personal registry to my main drive again but It's running out of room again, I need help to properly move things over can anyone help me?Sims loop, keep moving and wont progress game
So basically for a couple days now everytime I load my save, my kid sims freak out about a monster under the bed and that loops, I can’t press on anything, i can’t pause or speed up time nor is time progressing and even if i manage to pause it, the plumbob for example will keep spinning. I’ve tried removing my mods, I’ve tried pretty much everything and i’m not sure how to fix this. I can’t save or exit and the only way is to press exit or Alt + F4 and then click it until microsoft comes up with ‘The sims 4 is not responding’ Any help is appreciated23Views0likes3CommentsLaunching the game without laptop mode wont work
Hello! I'm having trouble with my new computer. I’ve bought a new gaming laptop (Acer Nitro V15 R7-7HS/16/512/4060 15,6 ) and I have 4000 cc. The issue is, my computer won't run the game without the ”laptop” mode (it effects the cc hair). Everytime I try to launch the game, it opens and then the computer shuts down and the blue screen appears. My previous computer (which wasn’t a gaming laptop) was able to run the game without this setting with the 4000 cc. The game runs ok with the laptop mode. Is there any way to fix this? The computer should have the power to run the game without the laptop mode.. I highly appreciate any help.