Game is bad
What are yall doing bro. literally ruining your own game, absolutely ignoring your community, just got railed by 2 nessies in a fight i would have most definitely won if they didnt take away half my health, you all should look into different careers bc yall have absolutely NO clue what yall are doing19Views0likes1CommentApex Legends Dying
The discussion feed just shows ppl are giving up on the game. No new legends, No new weapons, Arenas isn’t back, the Lore is destroyed. The game honestly destroyed everything it had going for itself and players are only leaving. Bring back what made the game unique. If you need any ideas just revisit the lore and make something. It’s your game.23Views0likes2CommentsLegends Coming back
I miss when the game had a lore and we received a new legend every season. It made the game fun and unique now it’s just a cash grab and they are changing things that don’t need to be changed. The game is getting worse. Just take rebuild the lore and return original characters to their selves upon launch. And stop nerfing recon legends into a grave. Especially Seer he’s useless now.What if... the Apex GIF edition
Hey Legends, As we're diving into the new EA Forums and with a fresh season around the corner, a more relaxed thread may be in order! What's a fun change or pipe dream idea you've had that just wouldn't quite fit? For the sake of this thread, let's keep things a bit more playful - we'd all like to see matchmaking improvements alongside fewer cheaters and while efforts continue there - this isn't that thread. This also doesn't take the place of any feedback threads on legend or balance issues and is more for those fun thoughts that probably wouldn't be realistic in a sweaty game of Apex, but are just fun to consider. What if you could do a two-person finisher? Imagine if this was the last thing you saw before Ash came over to convert you to a death box? What if your screenshots in-game all suddenly took place via selfie stick? What if I could pick Ash or Revenant and wall run? Sure, they'd get picked 100% of the time, but... This is that thread! Have fun with the new forum capabilities, find your semi-relevant (but forum appropriate) gif, and let's see it!34Views2likes2CommentsRanked is locked to E-district?
I've been away from Apex a few seasons, I really loved it before. I wanna play ranked, but I think E-district is at total mess, and I really do not enjoy it. But really, what is this? As usual Respawn forces you into the new content. People leave and never come back because of this. Why couldn't they just leave it being the best game aver which it was a long time ago.76Views0likes1CommentE-district is a terrible map
I tried to play vantage on E-district, but using snipers on this map is pointless, there is cover everywhere, and there are very few highground spots that give you sufficient long range angles. I spent an entire game with a sniper, trying to shoot enemies, did almost no damage that game and ended up with blue armour. If I was playing worlds edge, i would have upgraded to red armour or something, but the developers love to shoe-horn in maps that favour SMG and mobility legends. This is getting old, fix your game philosophy developers, and what's up with pathfinder having such a high pickrate, being blaitantly overpowered when I play him and still not getting any nerfs? Is it too much to ask for good maps developers? This can't be rocket science, a good map is where every legend and every weapon feels equally useful, and players don't feel squished in by the terrain or ring-choked. Players don't want to get killed by the map.571Views0likes6CommentsThe controllers would work great in gameplay like rainbow 6 siege. The maps dont
If you had a map design like R6S controllers would be very useful tools. But all maps are highly open. Every time you build another map, it gets more entrances to buildings, and more vertical floors to buildings, and that dilutes effective toolkit of controllers. The maps are designed to be opposite in all ways to controller characters. Add onto that there are many other characters that have controller like functions in recon and support class but their tools work even better in the open and the class controller is redundant.92Views0likes0CommentsThere's something miserable about the game
I don't know what it is, but I'm playing the new revival mode, and I'm playing Vantage. Yes I know what you're going to say, "you're an idiot for playing bad legends" or "you're an idiot for playing bad weapons like snipers" I know, I get it, I'm stupid for trying out a playstyle that doesn't fit or work in the game, it's just my foolish expectation that somehow all content in the game would be fun and viable. But every single game, my two allies get themselves killed by absolutely nothing, they either run in and die, or get ambushed and die. I try to use the sniper, but you can't snipe anything when 3 mobility legends are charging accros the map who also have champion badges or something redicilous. I just don't know, but it has really ruined my excitement for apex legends. I want to play something new and creative, and what do i get? Teammates that can't hold their own, enemies that are significantly better, and weapons that don't work. And you'd think with revives people would not leave, but that's also not true, they leave all the same. Where is the SBMM? Why is the matchmaking so cruel on me, I didn't have a fair chance at winning, I get stomped multiple matches in a row, without any improvement. I don't need to go on ranting, but multiple things have to be fixed here, the SBMM, snipers, Vantage's ultimate, its all not fairly balanced.129Views1like1Comment