Camera position
Devs, loving gameplay so far. Please give us the option to move the horizontal camera position. I need my third person games to be centered, it's the only way I can really enjoy it and get immersed. The over the shoulder offset drives me up a wall. Anybody else feel the same? Personally I'm waiting until they patch this in before I get invested. Hopefully it comes soon! 👍Improvement for dragon age the Veilguard.
I want to have the dragonage character creation to have more characters allowed then three. I have played every dragon age game and only the Veilguard limits the characters allowed. I want to play every race and class allowed but don't want to delete one to create a new one. Plus I would also like a new game plus mode added to. Does anyone else feel the same?Entropic Sphere Completely Ruined
It went from my favorite skill to a useless skill because now it travels too fast. It picks up enemies a little bit then just flies past them and of course nothing got hit by the explosion anymore. It got to the point where I have to consider dropping Evoker entirely, and it kinda ruins my Shadow Dragon playthrough. Anyone else feels the same?After the recent patch
The patch notes weren't very specific when it came to ability balance changes, though I believe I know what one of these changes were. The speed of the mage's ability Entropic Sphere had the projectile speed increased. I actually like this change as it was feeling too slow at the launch of the game. I have a problem with this change however, and that is the fact that it is moving so fast that if I let the ability go its full duration enemies tend to leave the affected area (and I have max AOE range size). I have to force the ability to end early in order to ensure that the enemies get hit by the big explosion at least 85% of the time. Let me reiterate, I do like the increase in the speed, but I feel like the vacuum pull of the ability needs to be increased as well so that enemies are still being hit by the biggest damage portion of the skill. On a side note; has anyone else noticed other abilities that were adjusted after the patch?My feedback - From Origins to Veilguard: The Fall of a Beloved Franchise
The Veilguard. A game that should have been the triumphant continuation of Dragon Age's legacy, but instead stands as a glaring example of how misguided leadership and personal agendas can derail a beloved franchise. While it’s great that you enjoyed parts of the game, it’s impossible to overlook the fundamental issues that have left so many fans disillusioned and disappointed. Let’s start with the so-called puzzles. It’s difficult to even call them that without feeling like you’re overstating their complexity. The Veilguard doesn’t offer puzzles that engage your intellect or tie into the lore of the world. Instead, it presents tasks that are little more than mundane errands—moving objects, flipping switches, or solving basic patterns that feel like they belong in a mobile game, not a premium RPG. The satisfaction of problem-solving, something that Dragon Age used to excel at, is completely absent here. Instead of making players feel clever or immersed, the game reduces these moments to boring, uninspired chores. And then there’s the loot system. In previous games, collecting resources and finding items felt tied to exploration, strategy, and the narrative. Here, it’s a monotonous grind. The process of breaking random barrels and furniture in search of materials turns your hero into a glorified vandal, smashing their way through the world in a way that’s entirely disconnected from the story. It’s not just tedious; it actively breaks immersion. How did we go from looting ancient ruins and earning rewards for completing complex side quests to this shallow, thoughtless approach? The root of these problems lies squarely in the leadership of Corrine Buche. Under her direction, Dragon Age has been stripped of its identity and turned into something unrecognizable. For years, Dragon Age stood out as a series that seamlessly integrated diversity and inclusivity into its world without making it feel forced or preachy. It was one of the first major RPGs to feature same-sex romances and characters from a variety of backgrounds, and it did so organically, letting these elements serve the story and enrich the world. Under Buche, however, inclusivity has been turned into a political statement rather than a narrative tool. Features like neutral pronouns and genital scars feel less like meaningful additions and more like a box-ticking exercise designed to signal progressiveness. These choices don’t add to the story or enhance the experience; they stick out as jarring and unnecessary. Dragon Age always embraced diversity, but it did so naturally, through deep characters and thoughtful writing. What we see now is a franchise hijacked by Buche’s personal vision, which prioritizes her worldview over the series’ legacy. This shift has alienated many players. Not because they oppose representation—Dragon Age fans have always been open-minded—but because it feels performative and shallow. Players aren’t looking for a game to lecture them; they’re looking for immersive storytelling, complex characters, and choices with real consequences. Instead, we got a game so focused on avoiding controversy that it sacrificed depth, challenge, and identity. The backlash isn’t surprising. Many players now avoid games the moment they’re labeled "woke," because they’ve seen this pattern before: shallow storytelling masked by superficial gestures of inclusivity. The result is a game that feels sanitized, safe, and detached from the dark fantasy roots that defined Dragon Age. Thedas was once a brutal, morally complex world where choices carried weight and players wrestled with dilemmas that had no easy answers. Now it feels more like a fairytale, scrubbed clean of its grit and complexity. The tone, aesthetic, and narrative direction have all shifted so drastically that it’s hard to even recognize this as part of the same series. And what about the future of The Veilguard? Hopes for a New Game Plus or DLC are slim at best. Developers have already hinted that no additional content is planned, and given the game’s lackluster reception, it’s easy to see why. The production costs were undoubtedly astronomical, yet the sales and reception suggest the game didn’t come close to breaking even. If The Veilguard had been a financial or critical success, EA and BioWare would be celebrating it publicly. Instead, there’s an uncomfortable silence, a quiet acknowledgment of a missed mark. Buche’s leadership has proven to be a mistake, one the franchise cannot afford to repeat. Her lack of experience and insistence on injecting her personal worldview into the game have severely damaged Dragon Age. This isn’t a role for someone still finding their footing or trying to use the franchise as a platform for personal ideals. Dragon Age needs a leader who understands its roots, respects its audience, and has the vision and maturity to steer it back to greatness. Buche, unfortunately, is not that person. If BioWare wants to save Dragon Age, it needs to acknowledge the mistakes made with The Veilguard and learn from them. This means bringing in experienced developers who can honor the franchise’s legacy while finding meaningful ways to evolve it. It means creating games that prioritize storytelling, player choice, and character development over shallow gestures and misguided agendas. Above all, it means respecting the fans who have supported this series for over a decade. At its core, The Veilguard feels like a betrayal of what Dragon Age once stood for. It’s a stark reminder of how easily a beloved franchise can lose its way when the wrong people are at the helm. If BioWare wants to avoid turning Dragon Age into a cautionary tale, it must act decisively to course-correct—and that starts with finding leadership that understands what made this series great in the first place. For now, The Veilguard stands as a painful lesson in how not to handle a legacy. Let’s hope the next chapter doesn’t repeat the same mistakes. ##Final Note: Before anyone misinterprets my message, I want to make it clear that my critique is directed at the creative leadership behind The Veilguard, not the individual personally. My tone has been respectful, focusing solely on the franchise and the product, with the intention of providing honest and constructive feedback. I have no intention of offending anyone—this is simply me exercising my right to express my opinion as a dedicated fan of Dragon Age.Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Patch 4 (PC/Console)
Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Patch 4 (PC/Console) You can read more in our Patch 3 Release Notes... Hey everyone, Happy Dragon Age Day! First things first, we have our 4th patch out today, and we’ll have even more to come throughout the day to celebrate this yearly tradition. Thank you for being with us on this journey! New Content: Dragon Age 2 Hawke’s Iconic Outfit Armor Body Paint Face Paint Qunari Complexions Two new complexions for the Qunari lineage Quality of Life Changes: In Patch 3, we introduced a line on screen showing where a Photo Mode screenshot was saved. In Patch 4, we are reverting that change due to a safety concern brought to us by some content creators. PC players can find their Photo Mode screenshots in Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age: The Veilguard/screenshots Added an in-game Setting to turn off Bloom. Added a “Hide/Show UI” button on the pause screen to better take screenshots on Console. Added a “Take Photo” button on the pause screen to take screenshots during conversations and cinematics on PC. Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue that prevented some saves from loading properly. (PC Only) Fixed an issue that was preventing the Frame Rate Limit setting from being saved. Fixed an issue with Rook’s face and hair changing drastically when a save is loaded. Fixed an issue with certain longer hairstyles that floated above Rook’s chest and shoulders. Fixed an issue where two Neve characters could appear in the Fire and Ice quest. Fixed a rare issue where Emmrich did not lead Rook to the next task in his recruitment Where the Dead Must Go quest. Adjusted the spirit guides in The Warden Vault quest. Fixed an issue that caused the Ultimate Ability to swap to the default Ultimate. Fixed an issue where the Ultimate Ability Icon was not displayed after Bellara is recruited. Fixed an issue where the first hit in a Warrior Rook’s shield throw may miss the target unintentionally. Fixed an issue where the Slaughter of Pillars Revenant had no health bar. Fixed an issue that caused Achievement Progress to reset when a new Rook was created. This will not restore Achievement Progress that was overwritten, but your Rooks will no longer compete with each other for who can kill more High Dragons. Fixed an issue with the camera in The Demon’s Bargain quest when playing on an HDD. Fixed an issue with the camera in the Sea of Blood quest if Rook backtracked too far. Fixed two instances where Viago was clearly talking to Rook but was too absorbed by Teia’s beauty and staring at her instead. Fixed an issue with Photo Mode screenshots appearing slightly blurry for some players. Fixed an issue where taking a screenshot with the space bar in Photo Mode also toggled the highlighted setting at the same time. (PC Only) Fixed an audio issue that caused battle music to stop playing while Rook was still fighting darkspawn in A Warden’s Best Friend quest. Fixed an audio issue that prevented music from playing during a conversation with Lucanis in the Lighthouse. Fixed a rare lighting issue in the One Last Breath quest Fixed a blocking issue in the Fire and Ice quest when returning to the Lighthouse. Fixed a blocking issue in the Blood of Arlathan quest if Rook backtracked too far. Fixed a UI issue that caused the “New Item” highlight to get stuck on an item. Fixed an issue with the In Lost Friendship codex that was mentioning events out of order and possibly with the wrong companion. Fixed an issue that was causing the male British Inquisitor (Harry Hadden-Paton) to be pitched too low. Updated several German voice line instances with corrected translations.Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Patch 5 (PC/Console)
Hey everyone, Thank you all for playing Dragon Age: The Veilguard; we were so happy with the game’s stability at launch and hope you have enjoyed our Quality of Life patches since then. With the game being in a stable place, we are moving to monitor for any game-breaking bugs should those occur. Dareth shiral! Quality of Life Changes: Recommended levels have been added to side quests that players may receive at significantly lower levels. Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue where Rook could only flirt with Lucanis in a specific conversation. Fixed an issue with the Regrets of The Dread Wolf quest not triggering properly or stopping Rook with an invisible wall in the Crossroads. Fixed a blocking issue with a puzzle in the Converged City area of the Crossroads. Fixed an issue with the “Imperium’s Resolve” armor causing negative damage instead of the intended zero fire, cold, necrotic, and electric damage. Fixed excessive clipping on Taash’s “Rivain’s Legacy” armor. Fixed an issue that prevented some Rooks from changing the runes on their lyrium dagger. Fixed an issue with the Medium Armor Mastery skill for Warriors. Fixed a spot on Rivain’s beach where Rook could get stuck in a cycle of drowning, never to be pulled out of the water by their companions. Fixed a typo on a note Rook can find in Dock Town. Fixed an issue that caused photo mode screenshots to be noticeably worse quality when HDR was turned to “On.” Fixed an issue that was causing the photo mode screenshot location to still be shown on screen. Fixed an issue that caused the fireflies in the opening area of the Crossroads to flicker at an alarming rate on specific settings. Fixed a lighting issue in one of the conversations with the whole team in the Lighthouse. Fixed an issue in the Mirror of Transformation that blocked players from zooming in and out with the mouse scroll wheel. Fixed an issue where the Objective Marker Visibility was not updated when the exploration preset was changed with the other options in the Exploration sub-category. Some adjustments to the game credits.