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Die EA-Foren starten vollständig in einer Woche
Hallo an alle! In weniger als einer Woche starten wir die EA Foren, unseren brandneuen Community-Hub, wo du dich mit anderen vernetzen kannst, um über alles zu plaudern, was mit EA-Spielen zu tun hat, um Tipps und Tricks zu teilen und um bei Bedarf Hilfe zu erhalten. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, alle notwendigen Inhalte von Answers HQ in die EA-Foren zu migrieren. Um diese Migration so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten, stehen die Seiten, wie unten beschrieben, vorübergehend nicht zur Verfügung. 26. bis 29. Januar: Die EA-Foren sind nicht verfügbar. Ab dem 26. Januar: Das Answers HQ ist schreibgeschützt, und das Posten von Beiträgen ist deaktiviert. Die Seite wird dann geschlossen und du wirst zu den EA-Foren weitergeleitet. 29. Januar: Die EA-Foren gehen in allen neun Sprachen live und sind für die meisten EA-Spiele verfügbar. In unserem Post erfährst du mehr über den aufregenden Wechsel zu den EA-Foren.EA_Pythia14 days agoCommunity Manager40Views0likes0CommentsUnsichtbare Spieler/Panzer.....
Servas Echt genial -> jetzt gibts schon unsichtbare Panzer/Condors usw........was soll man dazu noch sagen außer RAUS mit de Viecher und deinstallieren! Traurig das nicht mal ein normaler Patch bei EA zu funktionieren scheint! Aber naja was will man erwarten! Gabs dieses Problem nicht schon mal in der BETA????? Wann wirds behoben? oder machts EA jetzt auch sowie ACTIVISION in CoD -> WAYNE hauptsache SKINNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSS verkaufen..... Armutszeugnis PS: net mal nen Screenshot kann man hochladen...weil zu groß xD guter Witz 202567Views0likes0CommentsBATTLEFIELD 2042 UPDATE #8.4.0
Momentan auf Englisch, während wir auf die deutsche Übersetzung warten. Hello there and Happy New Year! We hope you had a fantastic holiday time with friends and family and gave yourselves a moment to play Holiday Protocol! Our first update of the year marks the arrival of more Vault Drops with the M3A3 Bradley and BMP-2 arriving to All-Out Warfare, setting the stage for more ways to tackle the Battlefield with these versatile fighting machines. Update 8.4.0 also delivers several gameplay changes and bug fixes with a specific focus towards vehicles. This update is scheduled to arrive on January 21, keep your eyes peeled to @BattlefieldComm for any further updates regarding the rollout of this update. //The Battlefield Team Community Calendar Discover a wide variety of Community Events, Featured Experiences and Double XP moments taking place on Battlefield 2042 via our frequently updated Community Calendar! Stay Informed Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes. Join the official Battlefield Discord server over at! BMP-2 New Vault Drop - M3A3 Bradley & BMP-2 Jump into the M3A3 Bradley and the BMP-2, two fan-favorite war machines originating from Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. Remade for Battlefield 2042, each of these infantry fighting vehicles will be a supreme resource for skilled No-Pats nabbing one of its four seats. The team specifically chose these versatile fighting machines due to their iconic significance and fan-favorite status across Battlefield. These fighting machines behave, function, and look different from their Battlefield Portal variants. In order to fit their new roles on All-Out Warfare they have been made to be as asymmetrical as they can be, with a new equipment slot for your loadout, newly added and tweaked abilities, and polish specific to these IFVs. The team has made sure that they are open to the possibility of experimentation and fitting specific vehicle builds and gameplay types, be it a defensive tankbuster or a hyper-aggressive glass cannon, these two new Vault Drop Vehicles are set to empower any squad on the Battlefield. Unlocked Frontlines and Conquest As we know you’ll be eager to test out the vault drops, we’re adding two unlocked modes over the next two weeks. From January 21st onwards Frontlines Unlocked will allow you to play the new IFVs released in this patch without the need to unlock them first. Additionally, the M3A3 Bradley and the BMP-2 will be available on all objectives, not just the final ones! Switching over on January 28th, Conquest Unlocked allows for the same freedom to all players, as well as access to Light Transports and Attack Helicopters! This way you’ll be able to get into the action right away and try out both IFVs before unlocking them yourself. Speaking of unlocking, earning Ribbons in Frontlines and Conquest will count double! M3A3 Bradley Changelog Battlefield 2042 IFV’s - M3A3 Bradley & BMP-2 Developer comment: The changes to the Bradley and BMP-2 will affect the new additions to the Battlefield 2042 roster, and do not include the versions usable in Portal. Added a new slot for both vehicles to open up the possibility to mix and match different loadouts. Added visual effects for systemic damage on the IFVs. Improved visibility of driver first-person views when second seat gunner rotates. Both vehicles are now using a 4 seat configuration down from 6, in order to better fit in the category they are set in. IFVs armor-piercing shell now penetrates the dozer shield. The primary cannon of the IFV's velocity increased by 10%. Increased damage of armor-piercing shell vs Soldier body. Various abilities have been moved between slots to allow for specific vehicle builds. Added active protection system for both IFVs. Added thermal weapons for passengers of the IFVs. Updated the mesh along with various other changes to the art for the Bradley and BMP to better fit in with the Battlefield 2042 world. Added coax weapon and mesh for the Bradley. Additional abilities and weapons: Shared loadout Primary: 25mm cannon Secondary weapons: New to Bradley: Coax machine gun, Guided missile, APFSDS-T Sabot Shells TOW Gunner: New: HMG with Thermal scope. HMG Equipment slot 1: Thermal Smoke Package Active Armor Improved warhead Equipment slot 2: New: Repair System New Active Protection System Equipment slot 3: New: Stealth Package Quick reload - see balance changes below Maintenance - see balance changes below Proximity scan - tweaked version of previously electronic warfare package. Ability changes:: Improved warhead Now deals 25% more damage on impact and blast damage. Developer comment: Previously was only on impact. This is to double down on the glass cannon build when configured with this ability. Vehicle armor is now compromised when using this ability and will take more damage than usual. Developer comment: This also supplements the glass cannon build. All weapons on the vehicle now benefit from this ability, not just primary weapons. Stealth Package New: Now hides the vehicle from most spotting attempts. New: Hides the vehicle from thermal optics. Lock on weapons take longer to lock on to the vehicle - same functionality players know from Thermal Camo in Portal. Maintenance Shortens the time it takes for the natural health regen to kick in, it repairs the vehicle at a higher rate and it also applies on each systemic damage of vehicle so broken system will be back online quicker. Quick Reload Package It now applies on all vehicle weapons (previously only applied on primary weapons), weapons such as the COAX that do not use a reload or replenish will instead have a longer up time before reaching overheat threshold. Active Armor It applies on both vehicle armor and each system, requiring all vehicle systems to take additional damage before breaking. Guided Missile Added the possibility to fire and lock on after in order to open up opportunities for new gameplay moments. Developer comments: We will monitor this change and evaluate its impact going forward. Increased impact damage of primary cannon from 32 to 48 Improved mobility on both IFV’s, it should now be easier to move from stand still position and turning at various speeds. Added new minimap and in world icon for the IFVs. Guided missiles fired by the IFV will no longer lock on air vehicles, unless a teammate designates the air vehicle. Updated the distance and angle locking criteria for the guided missiles on IFVs. Proximity scan now has a 20m radius and functions for both infantry and explosives. Updated FoV for IFVs’ passengers. Improved zoom view on the IFV to be compatible with other Battlefield 2042 vehicles. IFVs now use the same material and damage model as other vehicles of the same type. The M3A3 Bradley now has zoom on the port weapons. Updated camera position and aim constraints on all seats for both new IFVs. Fixed an issue that shots with steep angles wouldn’t deal consistent damage. Added new UI elements for the guided missile of the IFVs to support their behavior and readability. Added new impact hit audio elements depending on which ability is equipped for the IFVs to help readability. For example, when using Improved Warhead, your vehicle has less armor than usual, therefore damage sounds will be more noticeable. Missile arm activates when using both tow or guided missiles. Improved flying characteristics of tow and guided missiles on IFVs. Added new icons for passive abilities. Added landing boosters for the IFVs when called in via the call-ins menu. Added BMP-2 and Bradley to the end of round screen. Updated position of camera when applying cosmetics on Bradley and BMP-2 Added a vignette for the port weapons for a better presentation of the seat that is occupied. New mesh for the Active Protection System to fit the new colors of the vehicle. Removed smoke from the IFV and replaced it with thermal smoke ability. Disabled neutral steering for IFVs, stopping them from moving forward when steering. IFVs primary ammo increased from 6 to 8. Primary cannon and Armor Piercing shells no longer use the same ammo pool like the Portal variant. Instead, they work as primary and secondary weapons, separately. Increased base impact damage of primary cannon from 32 to 48. Health regen on IFVs have been updated to be identical with other vehicles of the same class on 2042 AOW. Vehicles Added insertion cinematic for the Pondhawk. Fixed an issue where the 9k22 Tunguska laser designation UI would overlap. Fixed an issue where certain vehicle hints would remain on screen when they should not. Improvement to suspension and other driving simulations to help lessen the frequency of getting stuck to other objects in the world. Fixed an issue where vehicle hints would show up as unassigned under certain circumstances. Updated various elements of first person view screen effects that are applied on vehicles, reducing vibrancy and causing a more grounded feel when in first person. Half track wheel on Portal is now included as systemic damage. Helicopters Fixed an issue where AI soldiers did not use Repair System abilities when deploying on the UH-60 Helicopter. Stealth Helicopters suppressed gunner weapon no longer spots the vehicle. Characters & Gadgets Fixed an issue where custom colors selections (enemy, team, quad, and self-color options) did not apply on icons and gadget lights. Added persistence logic to the M67 Grenade (BF3) Fixed an issue where the Spawn Beacon color would not update after changing squad correctly. Updated tutorial video for Angel loadout crate. Fixed an issue with SRAW not getting resupplied when revived by Irish. Progression Vehicle Disabled XP now tells you which part of the vehicle was disabled.EA_Pythia21 days agoCommunity Manager102Views0likes0CommentsBSV-M Kills min. 125m zählen nicht für Hintergrundkarte
Artikel: Battlefield 2042 Platform:PC Gebe das genaue Plattform-Modell an. PC AMD- oder Nvidia-Modellnummer AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX Gib die Größe deines Arbeitsspeichers in GB ein 32 Benutzt du Software mit Overlay? Nein In welchem Teil des Spiels tritt das Problem auf? Multiplayer In welchem Teil des Modus tritt das Problem auf? Eroberung Bitte wähle deine Region Europa Auf welchen Server passiert es? Allen Wann ist das passiert? (TT.MM.JJ hh: mm) 10.01.2025 10:30 Fasse deinen Fehler zusammen: Die Kills über 125m zählen nicht für die BSV-M Hintergrundkarte und kann somit nicht freigeschaltet werden. Wie oft tritt der Fehler auf? 100% Schritte: Wie können wir den Fehler finden? Im Spiel mit der Waffe Was passiert, wenn der Fehler auftritt? Der Zähler zählt nicht hoch und stecht auf 1/25 Kills. Was sollte stattdessen passieren? Die Kills mit der BSV-M über 125 Meter sollten zählen für die Hintergrundkarte Die Kills über 125m zählen nicht für die BSV-M Hintergrundkarte und kann somit nicht freigeschaltet werden.57Views0likes0CommentsHelicopter gunner seat never available
Guys, please help me, because I'm losing my mind. Last time I played Battlefield was back in the good old BF3 times. I just bought BF 2042 and I wanted to jump back in on being a helicopter gunner, just as in the old days. But I can't get into the helicopter. It's just impossible!!! Every pilot is flying alone, no gunner in there ever, the seats are always empty, but I can't join on. It never works. Probably not only for me and that's why every pilot is flying alone. But I don't want to believe that the game is that broken. So please, please tell me I'm just to stupid and explain to me, how I can spawn into the gunner seat. You'd make my life worth living again. Thanks THYLONIX PS5118Views0likes0CommentsBattlefield 2042 Feiertagsprotokoll
Packe jede Woche Modi aus Rüste dich aus und verbreite festliches Entsetzen! Spiele vom 10. Dezember bis zum 7. Januar das Feiertagsprotokoll-Event und dominiere in Eroberung – Aufstieg, Rush XL, Durchbruch-Chaos und Frontlinien XL. Packe kosmetische Objekte, wöchentliche KOSTENLOSE Store-Objekte und Fortschrittsbelohnungen aus, währen du dir einen Weg über das Schlachtfeld… BELOHNUNGEN Geschenkverpackt Luftstrom NEUSTE STORE BUNDLES Türklopfer-Bundle - Kostenlose Store-Objekte Frohe Feiertage! Wenn sich eine Tür schließt ... tritt die nächste ein. Hier verstecken sie das ganze gute Zeug. Codeknacker Im nahenden Krieg muss die Stärke der Menschheit eine scharfe Klinge sein. Stoße sie der synthetischen Bedrohung tief ins Herz. Privatreserve Die Besten kommen nie aus der Mode. Schalte diese Privatreserve frei, um eine Sammlung von Waffen-Skins freizuschalten, die auf Eliteeinheiten aus aller Welt basieren.EA_Pythia2 months agoCommunity Manager125Views0likes0CommentsStore Änderung
Am Mittwoch werden wir eine kleine Backend-Änderung für Battlefield2042 durchführen, die sich leicht darauf auswirkt, was ihr im Store seht. Wir kündigen diese Änderung im Voraus an, da wir wissen, dass es einige von euch gibt, die gerne neue wöchentliche Ergänzungen oder Rotationen teilen und diskutieren und denen jetzt möglicherweise einige Unterschiede zwischen ihnen auffallen. Vorerst wird es im vorgestellten Store eine Kachel geben, die mit einer Bundle-Empfehlung für euch gefüllt ist. Diese Angebotsempfehlungen unterscheiden sich zwischen den Spielern und basieren auf euren Spielstil und eure Vorlieben, mit dem Ziel, euch Dinge zu zeigen, die euch gefallen könnten und die ihr verpasst habt. Dies ändert weder die Preise der Artikel, noch enthält es exklusive Angebote. Darüber hinaus wirkt sich diese Änderung nur auf den vorgestellten Store aus, alle derzeit verfügbaren Angebote findet ihr weiterhin im Katalog und im Bundle-Bereich. Wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld!EA_Pythia2 months agoCommunity Manager164Views3likes0CommentsPortal Regel-Editor
Hey ich habe eine frage kann mir jemand helfen wie ich beim Regel-Editor alle Fahrzeug und Waffen erweiterungen (also der Fortschritt aller Waffen und Fahrzeuge) einstellen kann? Das einzigste was dort steht ist das im Portal, (Fahrzeug ist an Spielfortschritte gekoppelt und steht möglicherweise nicht allen Spielenden standardmäßig zur Verfügung. Du kannst dies im Regeln-Editor ändern ). Wie genau kann ich das machen dass jeder Fortschritt freigeschaltet ist, denn ich finde nirgends ein video oder der gleichen das mir helfen könnte. Könnte mir da jemand helfen pls.156Views0likes0CommentsBATTLEFIELD 2042 UPDATE #8.3.0
Momentan nur auf Englisch, während wir auf die deutsche Übersetzung warten. Hello there, We are back with another small update coming to Battlefield™ 2042, which will be the last scheduled patch this year. It will also feature the return of the Holiday Protocol, which comes with brand new rewards and a chance to grab last year’s loot in case you missed it! //The Battlefield Team Community Calendar Discover a wide variety of Community Events, Featured Experiences and Double XP moments taking place on Battlefield 2042 via our frequently updated Community Calendar! Stay Informed Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes. Join the official Battlefield Discord server over at! Vehicles: The Draugr now only shows up in the personal category. Vehicle EMP fired grenades no longer get stopped by amps, to make them consistent with the behavior of hand thrown EMP grenades. Aligned collision on the Pondhawk to minimize players hovering on top of it. Added a reactive hint to the HUD when in a falling air vehicle without a pilot, to alert and encourage players to take control of the driver seat. Before you crash, you know? Fixed a bug where damage numbers would not take vehicle armor into account, causing the numbers to show as higher than actual damage dealt. Fixed a bug where the deploy screen icon for the “spawn on foot” feature of the CAV-Brawler would rotate with the vehicle. Fixed an issue where equipping amps on a vehicle would cause collision issues with certain objects such as vegetation. Those plants really were coming to get you. Weapons: Fixed an issue where swapping to the M1 Garand when sprinting had a delayed animation for holding the weapon. Armor Piercing Ammo Over the years with Battlefield 2042, we have consistently seen players raise concerns about Dozer’s efficiency regarding their offensive capabilities across most of our maps. This update introduces a slight change to Armor Piercing which now allows for those rounds to pass through Dozer’s Ballistic Shield with reduced damage. The team continues to look at balancing around Dozer, and we will further assess your feedback once this update has rolled out; however the penguins now hope that Dozer won’t be as scary the next time you run through the corridors on Exposure. Below you will find the changes to Armor Piercing Ammo in connection to Dozer’s Ballistic Shield, the damage it shows is a percentage for example with Assault Rifles 10% bullet damage will pass through Dozer’s Ballistic Shield if you are using Armor Piercing Ammo. Sniper 45% damage per bullet against penetration vs shield Sniper Anti-Materiel Ammo 80% damage per bullet Railgun Single Shot 25% damage per bullet Railgun full auto/burst: 10% damage per bullet AR 10% damage per bullet DMR 25% damage per bullet Revolver 25% damage per bullet Additional Armor Piercing & Dozer Changes: AP grenade launchers now will deal damage to Dozer if fired at the shield Dozer shield deploy time has been lowered by 80% All AP ammo from all primary weapons can now penetrate the shield and deal lower damage to Dozer Characters & Gadgets: Fixed a bug where damage numbers would sometimes not match the actual damage dealt when dealing low damage multiple times. Portal: Added the ability to place ammo stations to Custom Conquest, TDM, and FFA experiences. Fixed an issue that would let you press deploy even when it was on cooldown. Fixed an issue where custom score target could cause the score calculator to be incorrect. Fixed an issue causing Ascension Points not having a value for non-2042 factions. Added a mutator to portal for admins to allow players on their server to swap teams via the “Escape” / “Pause” menu. This is only accessible when the player isn’t spawned in. There is no restriction on how often you can swap or to which team for now, as this is a feature for admins to allow more freedom on their servers. With great power comes great responsibility. Added objective airdrop XP to custom game modes. Progression: Objective Airdrop: If a passenger leaves an air vehicle and goes into a contested objective within a certain amount of time after leaving the vehicle, the pilot gets an Objective Airdrop XP event. This event also gives points on the scoreboard. Vehicles Boosted: If you enter a vehicle that was previously owned by the enemy you get an XP event. Modes: Fixed a bug where players were unable to ping objectives in the Shutdown gamemode. Gameplay Flow & Social: Small performance improvements for the Redeploy and Death flow. Fixed a bug where the “Ferocity” headgear for Blasco would appear twice in the headgear customization menu. Updated Huron vehicle description in the deploy screen.EA_Pythia3 months agoCommunity Manager203Views0likes0CommentsBug: XCE BAR zusammen mit Smart 6x zoomt nicht immer.
Artikel: Battlefield 2042 Platform:PC Gebe das genaue Plattform-Modell an. PC AMD- oder Nvidia-Modellnummer 4070 Gib die Größe deines Arbeitsspeichers in GB ein 32 Benutzt du Software mit Overlay? Nein In welchem Teil des Spiels tritt das Problem auf? Multiplayer In welchem Teil des Modus tritt das Problem auf? Eroberung Bitte wähle deine Region Europa Auf welchen Server passiert es? all Wann ist das passiert? (TT.MM.JJ hh: mm) 30.11.2024 Fasse deinen Fehler zusammen: Die XCE BAR ist zusammen 2036 Smart 6X momentan verbuggt. Bei Rechtsklick sollte der Zoom eintreten, welcher aber ausbleibt und man blickt ohne Zoom durch das Zielfernrohr. Wie oft tritt der Fehler auf? 0% - 9% Schritte: Wie können wir den Fehler finden? Spielt das Spiel Was passiert, wenn der Fehler auftritt? Kein Zoom Was sollte stattdessen passieren? Zoom Die XCE BAR ist zusammen 2036 Smart 6X momentan verbuggt. Bei Rechtsklick sollte der Zoom eintreten, welcher aber manchmal ausbleibt und man blickt ohne Zoom durch das Zielfernrohr. So muss man nochmals mit Rechtsklick in den Zoom Modus wechseln, welcher dann meist funktioniert. Das ist besonders mühsam, da es sich um eine Sniper Waffe handelt und der Fehler sehr oft eintritt. Ich weiss, dass dieses Problem schon andere Waffen hatten, jetzt leider die XCE. Behebt den Bug bitte.159Views0likes0CommentsFehler Spieler aus spiel entfernt
Artikel: Battlefield 2042 Platform:PC Gebe das genaue Plattform-Modell an. PC AMD- oder Nvidia-Modellnummer Geforce RTX 3080 Gib die Größe deines Arbeitsspeichers in GB ein 32 Benutzt du Software mit Overlay? Nein In welchem Teil des Spiels tritt das Problem auf? Spielmenü In welchem Spielmenü warst du, als der Fehler auftrat? Rundenstart Solo Eroberung oder Druchbruch Bitte wähle deine Region Europa Auf welchen Server passiert es? / Wann ist das passiert? (TT.MM.JJ hh: mm) Jedesmal Fasse deinen Fehler zusammen: egal ob Multiplayer oder Solo. Kaum bin ich in der Planungsansicht 20 sekunden vor Rundenstart friert die herunterzählende Uhrzeit ein und ich werde nach so 7-12 sekudnen aus der runde gekickt mit der Meldung: Fehler Spieler:inn aus Spiel entfernt Spiel wurde beendet, alle Spieler:innen getrennt. Ich habe den aktuellen Grafikkartentreiber installiert, das Spiel komplett neu installiert und auch den PC mehrmals neu gestartet. Trotzdem kann ich nicht 1 mal spielen. Wie oft tritt der Fehler auf? 100% Schritte: Wie können wir den Fehler finden? Solo-Eroberung Solo-Durchbruch Was passiert, wenn der Fehler auftritt? Fehlermeldung: Fehler Spieler:in aus Spiel entfernt Spiel wurde beendet, alle Spieler:innen getrennt. Was sollte stattdessen passieren? Die Runde Starten Ic hkann Solo keine Runde mehr starten. Kaum bin ich in der Planungsansicht 20 sekunden vor Rundenstart friert die herunterzählende Uhrzeit ein und ich werde nach so 7-12 sekunden aus der Runde gekickt mit der Meldung: Fehler Spieler:inn aus Spiel entfernt Spiel wurde beendet, alle Spieler:innen getrennt. Ich habe den aktuellen Grafikkartentreiber installiert, das Spiel komplett neu installiert und auch den PC mehrmals neu gestartet. Trotzdem kann ich nicht 1 mal spielen. Ich habe: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8-Core 32GB DDR5 RAM RTX 3080 4K Bildschirm150Views0likes0CommentsKeine Kontrolle mehr über Maus und Tastatur
Artikel: Battlefield 2042 Platform:PC Gebe das genaue Plattform-Modell an. PC AMD- oder Nvidia-Modellnummer RTX3070TI Gib die Größe deines Arbeitsspeichers in GB ein 32GB Benutzt du Software mit Overlay? Ja Wenn dies der Fall ist, kannst du sie bitte hier auflisten? Nvidia Overlay Hat es irgendeinen Effekt, wenn du diese Software deaktivierst? Nein In welchem Teil des Spiels tritt das Problem auf? Multiplayer In welchem Teil des Modus tritt das Problem auf? Eroberung Bitte wähle deine Region Europa Auf welchen Server passiert es? Alle Wann ist das passiert? (TT.MM.JJ hh: mm) Fasse deinen Fehler zusammen: Hin und wieder, so alle 5-6 Runden (meist im letzten Drittel der Runden) , verliere ich komplett die Kontrolle über Maus und Tastatur, mein Charakter läuft dann einfach unendlich weiter. Ich kann dann nichts mehr drücken oder die Maus bewegen. Ich muss dann länger warten und mehrfach mit Alt-Tab aus dem Spiel zum Desktop tabben, dann kann ich meistens nach 20-30 Sekunden wieder spielen. In der Regel wird das Spiel aber kurze Zeit darauf (ca. 10-30 Sekunden später) hängenbleiben (Bild friert komplett ein) und nach weiteren 10 Sekunden stehe ich wieder im Hauptmenü. Wie oft tritt der Fehler auf? 10% - 49% Schritte: Wie können wir den Fehler finden? Einfach nur im Spiel, relativ am Ende einer Runde. Meist wenn ich zügig einige Aktionen ausfüge, z.B. Granate werfen und kurz darauf Boris´ Geschütz aufstellen, aus einem Fahrzeug aussteigen usw. Es passiert also nie einfach nur im Laufen. Es passiert, wenn ich wie gesagt, zügig hintereinander einige Aktionen ausführe Was passiert, wenn der Fehler auftritt? Ich verliere die komplette Kontrolle über Maus und Tastatur im Spiel. Es geht nichts mehr, außer ich minimiere das Spiel mit Alt-Tab. Ich muss dann entweder mehrere Sekunden, meist so 10-30 Sekunden warten oder mehrfach mit Alt-Tab zum Desktop wechseln und zurück, meistens kann ich dann nach mehreren Sekunden wieder spielen. Fast in ALLEN Fällen, bleibt das Spiel, nachdem der Fehler aufgetreten ist, hängen, das Bild friert ein und nach einigen Sekunden (ca. 10 Sekunden) stehe ich wieder im Hauptmenü. Was sollte stattdessen passieren? Kein Kontrollverlust von Maus und Tastatur und kein Rauswurf zurück ins Hauptmenü Hin und wieder, so alle 5-6 Runden (meist im letzten Drittel der Runden) , verliere ich komplett die Kontrolle über Maus und Tastatur, mein Charakter läuft dann einfach unendlich weiter. Ich kann dann nichts mehr drücken oder die Maus bewegen. Ich muss dann länger warten und mehrfach mit Alt-Tab aus dem Spiel zum Desktop tabben, dann kann ich meistens nach 20-30 Sekunden wieder spielen. In der Regel wird das Spiel aber kurze Zeit darauf (ca. 10-30 Sekunden später) hängenbleiben (Bild friert komplett ein) und nach weiteren 10 Sekunden stehe ich wieder im Hauptmenü. System Intel I9 9900k RTX3070ti 32GB Ram Win 11 Corsair mech. Kabel-LED-Tastatur (mit Icue-Software) Razer Basilisk V3 Kabel-Maus (Razer-Central-Software) Soundblaster Z Nvidia Overlay ist aktiv (zum Aufnehmen von Bildschirmfotos oder Videos Keine weitere Software aktiv, Treiber auf dem neuesten Stand200Views0likes0CommentsBATTLEFIELD 2042 – UPDATE 8.2.1
Hallo! Nächste Woche werden wir nach dem kürzlichen Update 8.2.0 ein kleines Update für Battlefield™ 2042 haben. Es wird keine Downtime geben, aber ihr müsst euer Spiel möglicherweise neu starten, um von den Änderungen zu profitieren. //Das Battlefield-Team Community-Kalender Entdeckt eine breite Palette von Community-Events, vorgestellten Erlebnissen und Doppel-XP-Momenten in Battlefield 2042 auf unserem regelmäßig aktualisierten Community-Kalender! Bleibe informiert Folgt uns auf Reddit und @Battlefield, um über die neuesten News auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Auf @BattlefieldComm erhaltet ihr alle Infos zur Veröffentlichung von Updates und anderen Änderungen an den Live-Services. Tritt dem offiziellen Battlefield Discord-Server auf bei! Allgemeines: Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das "Zurück zum Absender"-XP" gewährt wurde, wenn du deine eigene Granate vom Boden aus zurückgeworfen hast. Die Pinguine sind sich nicht sicher, wie das zählen würde. Bist du der Absender? Hast du es geschickt? Wie kannst du es zurückgeben? Chaos. Ein Problem wurde behoben, durch das Freund:innen gelegentlich als online angezeigt wurden, obwohl sie offline gegangen waren. Auf dem PC wurde eine Tastenbelegungsoption hinzugefügt, um dein Matchmaking im Hauptmenü abzubrechen, genau wie es bereits auf dem Controller war. PC-Spieler:innen können jedoch weiterhin mit der Maus klicken, um abzubrechen. Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Text "Diese Uniform ist Teil einer Ausstattung" im Anpassungsbildschirm über mehrere Zeilen angezeigt wurde. Waffen: Die Menüs "Waffen-Skin"- und "Talisman"-Anpassung werden jetzt oben auf der Scroll-Liste geöffnet, wenn eine andere Waffe als die vorherige angepasst wird, anstatt die vorherige Scroll-Position zu beachten. Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Mündungserweiterung unbeabsichtigt sichtbar war, wenn man mit dem RPT-31 durch ein Zielfernrohr mit hoher Vergrößerung blickte. Das korrekte Anpassungsbildschirmsymbol für die Standardmagazinerweiterung des M1 Garand wurde hinzugefügt.EA_Pythia3 months agoCommunity Manager251Views0likes0CommentsBattlefield 2042 Höllenkreis Event
Ein brandneues Event kommt zu Battlefield 2042, einschließlich neuer zeitlich begrenzter Hardcore-Erlebnisse. Macht euch bereit, nächste Woche ein brandneues Battlefield-Event zu entfesseln! Höllenkreis* ist ein brandneues, vier Wochen langes, zeitlich befristetes Event von Battlefield™ 2042 am 29. Oktober 2024. Mit ihm wird der Hardcore-Modus, ein Favorit unserer Battlefield-Community, für Eroberung, Rush und Durchbruch verfügbar sein. Darüber hinaus können Spieler kostenlose und Premium-Belohnungen des gruseligen Kreises von Hell-Event-Pass erhalten, einschließlich des M1 Garand, der sich von Battlefield Portal bis zu All-Out Warfare bewegt. Passe dich an und greife mit allen Mitteln nach dem Sieg! Hardcore während des Höllenkreis-Events ist tödlicher, immersiver und wird deine Fähigkeiten wie nie zuvor in Battlefield 2042 auf die Probe stellen. Ausrüstungen im Hardcore-Modus sperren deine Primärwaffe basierend auf deiner Klassenauswahl, und dein HUD wird nur begrenzte Informationen liefern, sei vorbereitet. Da du bei deinen Gegnern mehr Schaden verursachst, haben deine Soldaten weniger TP, und das erfordert eine kluge Wahl deiner Gefechte. Das gilt auch für Fahrzeuge, da sie mehr HP haben, aber auch mehr Schwachstellenschaden erleiden. Weder Soldaten noch Fahrzeuge regenerieren im Hardcore-Modus automatisch Gesundheit, wodurch das Truppspiel und das Teamwork noch wichtiger werden. Abschließend ist der Traversalsprint deaktiviert, und ausgeschaltete Charaktere müssen in Sicherheit kriechen. Der Hardcore-Modus ist in den Modi Eroberung, Rush und Durchbruch enthalten: Geheim Orbital Und mit aktualisierten Grafiken als Teil des Events am: Die Schlacht in den Ardennen El Alamein Von Portal bis 2042 kehrt das M1 Garand mit einem Knall zurück Während des Events können Spieler:innen den M1 Garand freischalten, der bedeutende Änderungen erfahren hat, um in die Welt von Battlefield 2042 zu passen: Das Schadensmodell und die Anzahl der Magazine wurden erhöht. Rückstoß wurde verringert. Präzision und Rückstoß werden durch Bewegung und die Haltung des Spielers beeinflusst. Die M1 ist am präzisesten, wenn sie im Hocken benutzt wird, und am wenigsten präzise, wenn du in Bewegung schießt. Das M1 Garand ist in der DMR-Kategorie mit 3 Zielfernrohren ausgestattet: dem Nydar für mittlere Distanzen sowie den 2x- und 6x-Zielfernrohren für Spieler, die größere Distanzen bevorzugen. Die M1 ist aufgrund ihres hohen Schadens und ihrer Feuerrate auf kurze bis mittlere Distanzen besonders effektiv und bei den meisten Entfernungen wirksam. Keine Sorge, wenn du es verpasst, die M1 Garand während der Dauer dieses Events freizuschalten, da sie nach dem Ende des Events als Freischaltauftrag verfügbar sein wird! Höllenkreis-Event-Pass Versetze deine Gegner:innen mit neuen kosmetischen Gegenständen aus dem Höllenkreis-Event-Pass in Angst und Schrecken, der 30 Ränge umfasst, 15 kostenlose und 15 Premium. Event-Pass: 500 BF Beschleunigter Event-Pass: Im digitalen Storefront erhältlich. Enthält Premium-Event-Pass sowie 15 Rang-Sprünge und ein exklusives legendäres Spezialisten-Set für Zain. //Das Battlefield-Team Community-Kalender Entdeckt eine breite Palette von Community-Events, vorgestellten Erlebnissen und Doppel-XP-Momenten in Battlefield 2042 auf unserem regelmäßig aktualisierten Community-Kalender!EA_Vendcera4 months agoCommunity Manager253Views0likes0CommentsBATTLEFIELD 2042 UPDATE #8.2.0
Wir warten aktuell noch auf deutsche Übersetzungen, daher vorerst auf Englisch: Hello there, Together with the Circle of Hell event next week, we’re launching Update #8.2.0 on Tuesday, October 29! With the update, we’re rolling out several changes to the game that you can find below. We also wanted to take the time to talk more about the changes we’re making to create a unique Hardcore experience in Battlefield™ 2042! //The Battlefield Team Community Calendar Discover a wide variety of Community Events, Featured Experiences and Double XP moments taking place on Battlefield 2042 via our frequently updated Community Calendar! Stay Informed Follow us on Reddit and @Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on @BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes. Join the official Battlefield Discord server over at! Hardcore Hardcore Modifiers - These Modifiers will affect gameplay in official Hardcore servers and matches. All modifiers listed below apply to official Hardcore playlists, so make sure you check them out to avoid any surprises (hint, hint, Friendly fire). Infantry: Dev Comments: “Hardcore brings back most traditionally anticipated modifiers to achieve high-risk, high-reward gameplay with an emphasis on portraying the perils of combined arms warfare. Some additional tweaks to control the pacing and speed of combat for Battlefield 2042 are also in effect. Our main goal for Hardcore on Battlefield 2042 is to emphasize positional play, increase reliance on friendlies, squadmates, and cover, as well as maximize time spent on the frontlines in chaotic engagements that are still a few steps short of FUBAR. Additionally, players are heavily rewarded for situational awareness and level knowledge. Be warned: Friendly Fire is enabled, killing more than the grace amount of friendlies will enable friendly fire damage reflection, which returns 100% of damage back to the offender, regardless of the offender being on foot or deployed in-vehicle. When using high explosives or vehicle weaponry, stay frosty at all times, especially when engaging in high activity areas.” Soldier Maximum Health set to 60%. Friendly Fire Enabled (also affects vehicles). Friendly Fire Damage Reflection enabled (triggers after repeat Friendly Fire Kills). Zero-tolerance policies in effect. Crawling State Enabled on man-down. Double-tap your targets to eliminate surprises. Traversal Sprint (Double-tap sprint button) disabled. Slide (Crouch during sprint button) disabled. Soldier Redeploy Delay Halved. Boots on the ground twice as fast. Soldier Health Regen Rate set to 0.1 / 10% for default (1.0 by default). Battlefield medics note an increased need for assistance. Mandatory Uniform Applied - in official Hardcore servers, Specialist uniforms will now respect the Specialist’s team via the following visual makeups: Team 1 set to “Green / Beige” palette, Team 2 set to “Red (Tier 1)” palette. AI in official Hardcore matches will respect all modifiers set for infantry. Weapons: Dev Comments: “The prime directive here is to double down on the fantasy of playing an Assault, Support, Engineer, or Recon. Some tweaking tools have been implemented to ensure we can respond to feedback on the fly as players learn the ropes and build ideal strategies, keep your eyes peeled to BattlefieldComms for any further updates or changes.” Magazine Discarding is now enabled, if you reload a magazine the bullets remaining within that magazine will be discarded. To all Support Players: note the increased need for munition resupplying. Strict Class Identity is in play within Official Hardcore with the Assault Class primary weapon classes being ARs, Shotguns, DMRs, and the Ghostmaker Crossbow. Engineer Class primary weapon are LMGs, Lever Action Rifles. Support Class primary weapon classes are SMG-PWDs, Shotguns, and finally, Recon Classes are Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, DMRs, the Ghostmaker Crossbow and Lever Action Rifles. Assault Rifle Class damage multiplier added, set to default. High Lethality at all ranges. SMG-PDW Class damage multiplier added, set to 0.8 from default 1.0, to offset the effectiveness of High RoF weapons in Hardcore. LMG Class Damage multiplier added, set to default. Eyes open for friendlies in the line of fire, you will be punished! Bolt Action Rifle Class Damage multiplier added, set to 0.8 from default 1.0, to offset effectiveness at longer than intended ranges. Shotgun Class Damage multiplier added, set to default. Blow. them. away. Sidearm Class Damage multiplier added, set to default. Small form factor, big punch. Interface: Dev Comments: “The goal here is the simplest one: Minimize non-diegetic information (out of world elements like the HUD and minimap, or soldier name tags) and bring the focus to more diegetic information instead (elements gleaned from the world like soldier uniforms, audio, hit effects, etc). We've added some additional features (like the inventory widget being dynamically visible) to make sure that some information can be acquired intentionally if needed, and to minimize frustration. Where the choice was between player comfort and immersion, we have chosen player comfort for this implementation of Hardcore, but remain open to feedback as always. Let the penguins know your thoughts as we continue to monitor your reactions and feedback to this update.” Show only icons when seeing friendlies, name tags disabled. Added and enabled a setting to remove the minimap entirely (as opposed to showing a disabled minimap widget). Added and enabled a setting to allow players to access the Big Map (default input "M") even if the minimap is disabled. Orient and coordinate. Added and enabled a setting to move the Squad List to the minimap's original position. Added and enabled a setting to show a "minimal" version of the squad list with reduced information. Added and enabled a setting that causes the inventory widget to be invisible. Added and enabled a setting that causes the inventory widget to become visible when the player interacts with their loadout (and certain other actions), and subsequently become invisible again 2 seconds later. Disabled crosshairs and hit markers for all infantry (hit confirmation audio remains active). Confirm your targets. Added exceptions to crosshair disabling (Repair Tool retains its overheat element despite crosshairs being disabled). Enabled a "Realistic Audio" mix that modifies the base audio environment (Slightly reduced ambiance, world sounds, soldier movement sounds. Slightly increased weapon audio, bullet passbys, impact loudness, explosions) Vehicles: Dev Comments: “We're trying to make vehicles terrifying, especially for unprepared groups and non-Engineer players, while ensuring their power fantasy is intact for pilots and passengers. This is largely achieved through survivability increases that synergize well with the faster Time To Kill in Hardcore. To counter the increased kill potential, vehicle weak points are more vulnerable than ever to well-positioned engineers, and the SOFLAM / Launcher team-up remains the gold standard for eliminating armor of all shapes and sizes (we see you, SOFLAM Recon mains).“ Vehicle Maximum Health set to 1.4 (from default 1.0). Vehicles gain increased survivability in all engagement scenarios. Vehicle Health Regeneration is disabled. Vehicles can now only be repaired using the Engineers' Repair Tool, or with equipped Repair Systems. Added and enabled a setting that causes vehicle Weak Spots to take increased damage from all sources (Doubled from default, leading to potentially devastating damage). Watch your six! Increased velocity required to road-kill friendly teammates. Set to (15f) from default (0.5f). Enemies will still be roadkilled at the originally intended velocity. Disabled the ability to trigger Anti-Tank Mines with friendly vehicles. Added and disabled a contingency setting to completely remove the ability to road-kill friendlies. Hardcore Mode rules: Dev Comments: “Hardcore games, due to their increased rate of attrition, and our goal to provide more "in the trenches" combat close to objectives, have been assigned longer capture timers, more tickets, and increased time limits.” Increased match time limit for all Hardcore Modes to 60 minutes. Doubled available tickets for both teams in all Hardcore Modes. Flag Capture Time doubled. Die with your boots on. Flag Neutralization Time doubled. Battlefield Portal New modifiers available in Portal that are not used in official Hardcore servers: Dev Comments:“In the process of developing Hardcore, we've experimented with a number of additional settings that didn't make the cut for our intended offering. We will ship these settings regardless, and they can be seen below, and accessed by players when creating their own Battlefield Portal experiences. The reasons for any exclusion, regardless of the setting itself, are largely the same: The modifier was deemed to be too difficult to understand / clearly explain during the natural flow of gameplay, or it damaged immersion without any commensurate addition to player comfort or quality of life. Some may have had an outsized impact on game balance, and were hence set to default.” These settings are available for use in Custom Experiences within Battlefield Portal and are not actively used on Official Hardcore Servers and matches. Added a setting to award tickets on kill. Added a setting to award tickets on downing an enemy. Added a setting to award tickets for reviving friendly players. Added a setting to award tickets for destroying vehicles. Added a setting to penalize tickets when friendlies are sent to the downed or crawling state (as opposed to when they return to the deploy screen). Added a setting to enable Ascension Points. This is a system that awards players points for in-game actions beneficial to their team. AP must then be spent to meritocratically access vehicles, instead of deploying them directly from the call-in menu or deploy screen. Vehicles have predefined AP prices, based on their combat effectiveness and utility. Added a setting that subtracts Ascension Points on returning to the deploy screen after being downed. Added a setting that awards players an amount of Ascension Points upon initial entry to the server. Added a setting that sets a cap on how many Ascension Points players can hold at one moment in time. Added a setting that can multiply recharge timers for infantry and vehicle skills that are able to self-replenish. These values are currently set to default within the builder. Added a setting that can multiply the delay before weapons and abilities can automatically self-replenish. These values are currently set to default within the builder. Additional Changes: Equipped badges are now shown first in the badge list. Return to Sender - Now gives a score when the player interacts with an enemy grenade and throws it back. Scoreboard - When a player causes Friendly Fire they will now lose points in the scoreboard and will receive a notification on the XP feed to indicate a loss of points. Fixed an issue causing Javelin Mastery to show in the stats tab. Gameplay Flow & Social: Player card customization screen: Gameplay hints have a higher chance of showing on loading screen There will now be an in-game notification when you enter the deploy screen when saving of loadouts or weapon customization is disabled. Dev Comments: “It has always been the case that when you play on a server where weapons or weapon attachments are restricted, we don't save any customization changes you make since you are forced to play with things you maybe normally don't want to and we don't want this to override your saved customization for normal matches. For example, if you're playing on a shotguns-only server we don't want that to override your recon loadout in normal matches. We’ve now added a UI element to tell you when that is the case.” Customization / Deploy screen: Fixed a bug where input hints were misplaced on the event pass reward preview. Improved UI feedback when doing friendly fire. The kill skull has been replaced with a red X in that case and the kill log will also say when friendly fire damage reflection is enabled to show when you will start taking damage if you continue damaging friendlies. Characters & Gadgets: Fixed a bug where the armor plate animation would loop if you tried to equip it while crouching in a CAV-Brawler open seat. Dev Comments: “You're not allowed to use the armor plate gadget while crouching, just like you're not allowed to shoot while crouching in that open seat.” Vehicles UH 60 1P Camera FOV no longer changes with Soldier FOV. You can no longer use zoom on 3P cam on UH-60. Bradley IFV now gets spotted when driver or passenger fire any of the guns. Adjusted vehicle radio volume depending on distance. Fixed an issue where players could equip armor while sitting on the back seat of CAV-Brawler and get stuck on a looping equip animation. RAM now uses the same repair system recharge time like the rest of tank categories, upped from 10 to 20. UH-60 freelock sensitivity is now consistent with the rest of All Out Warfare Helicopters. UH-60 repair system is now more efficient, heals 25hp in 5 seconds, from 10 hp in 8.6. The gravity pull when UH-60 is near the ground has been lowered to be consistent with the rest of All Out Warfare Helicopters from 5m to 0.8m. UH-60 miniguns have been tweaked to allow for effective burst fire, under constant fire this weapon will lose accuracy. UH-60 minigun damage increased from 18 to 20. UH-60 minigun damage drop off starts at 200 instead of 250. Weapons Fixed issues where zoom level stats in the collection screen were not showing correctly on Vault Weapons. Improved reload sound effect on M1 Garand. Added M1 Garand from Battlefield Portal. M1 Garand has seen various changes to fit in All Out Warfare including: Adjustment to recoil, you will notice a much more aggressive recoil that becomes more manageable on crouch or prone stances. Increase dispersion when firing while moving, jumping or sliding. Increase in total magazines that you’re able to carry with the M1 Garand. Adjusted damage model over distance to fit with rest of All Out Warfare weapons of the same category. The M1 Garand clip now ejects to sides and not towards player camera. Tightened the weapon alignment within center of screen during recoil and movement.EA_Vendcera4 months agoCommunity Manager244Views0likes0CommentsVon Ps4 auf Ps5
Hallo, Habe seit gestern auch mal eine Ps5. Nun bin ich mit Battlefield 2042 umgestiegen von ps4 auf ps5. Habe das Spiel nicht neu gekauft sondern einfach aus meiner Bibliothek heruntergeladen. Meine Frage: Gibt es keine 128 Mann Server mehr oder nur noch die 64 Mann Server? Oder wie kann ich auf 128 Mann Servern spielen ? Viele Grüße Lennard225Views0likes0CommentsBF42 Game Crasht immer wieder
Hallo, mein Game crasht immer wieder mit irgendwelchen DirectX Errors, siehe Anhang. Ich habe viele gängige "Fixes" ausprobiert, aber es schmiert immer wieder ab. Das geht richtig hart auf die Nerven, was soll ich tun???? Gibts irgendjemand anderen mit dem selben Problem? Wahrscheinlich muss ich einfach damit leben dass das Game nicht funktioniert... Specs: i5 10600k RTX 2070 16 GB RAM330Views0likes0CommentsNext Battlefield - Interview with Vince Zampella, First Concept Art
Hallo zusammen - hier ist der exclusive Artikel mit IGN, wo die ersten Details des nächsten Battlefield diskutiert werden. Den Artikel gibt es momentan leider nur auf Englisch. Exclusive: Vince Zampella Confirms Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed We get our first glimpse of EA's big Battlefield revival and learn more about how it's getting back to basics. Ahead of its Investor Day on September 17, EA revealed fresh details on its untitled Battlefield game alongside its first officially concept art, which IGN can exclusively reveal for the first time. IGN can also confirm that Battlefield will be returning to a modern setting after stints in World War I, World War II, and the near future. While EA is cagey about specifics when it comes to the concept art, including declining to name of the city where its set (though it looks a lot like Italy, France, or somewhere else in Europe), it does include details that should stand out to longtime fans of the series. Among other things, it appears to suggest that ship-to-ship and helicopter combat will be part of the new game, and that it will feature natural disasters like wildfires. Its greyish color scheme is evocative of Battlefield 4, which remains one of the most popular games in the series despite being released a decade ago. Battlefield goes back to basics All of it points to a back-to-basics approach for the next Battlefield. Indeed, Head of Respawn & Group GM for EA Studios Organization Vince Zampella is quick to shout out Battlefield 3 and 4 in the course of sitting down with IGN to talk about these new reveals. On the decision to return to the modern era, Zampella says, "I mean, if you look back to the peak or the pinnacle of Battlefield, it's that Battlefield 3... Battlefield 4 era where everything was modern. And I think we have to get back to the core of what Battlefield is and do that amazingly well, and then we'll see where it goes from there. But I think for me, it's that peak of Battlefield-ness is in that Battlefield 3 and 4 days. So I think it's nostalgic for players, for me, for the teams even. Those are kind of the heyday...although I would say 1942 also." The return to the modern setting represents a course correction for the series after Battlefield 2042, which eventually found its footing but was otherwise widely panned for features like Specialists — characters that made it seem as if Battlefield was trying to be a hero shooter. Its ambitious 128-player maps also proved unpopular with fans who preferred a more focused experience. Battlefield 2042 eventually went back to supporting 64 players per maps, and the next Battlefield plans to stick to that approach. I'd rather have nice, dense, really nice, well-designed play spaces. Some of them are really good. "Yeah, the 128 player, did it make it more fun? Like...doing the number for the sake of the number doesn't make any sense. We're testing everything around what's the most fun. So like you said, the maps, once they get to a certain scale, become different. It's a different play space, and I think you have to design around that. So we are designing something that is more akin to previous Battlefields," Zampella says. "I'd rather have nice, dense, really nice, well-designed play spaces. Some of them are really good. I can't wait for you to see some of them. Specialists are also out this time around. "So I wasn't there for 2042. I don't know what the rationale was, but for me, it's like the team tried something new. You have to applaud that effort. Not everybody liked it, but you got to try things. It didn't work. It didn't fit. Specialist will not be coming back. So classes are kind of at the core of Battlefield, and we're going back to that," Zampella says. He's careful to stress that Battlefield 2042 wasn't a "failure of a game" despite not doing as well as hoped. He notes that the development team "really spent a lot of time learning how to adapt it and getting things back." Still, he says, EA doesn't want a repeat of the experience it had with 2042. "We want it to be good out of the gate." It adds up to what one might call classic Battlefield, but bigger — big enough that it merits the efforts of four separate studios in DICE, Motive, Ripple Effect, and Criterion (Ridgeline Games was briefly part of its development before being shuttered after founder Marcus Lehto's departure). EA CEO Andrew Wilson claims it's one of the "most ambitious projects in [EA's] history." Nevertheless, Zampella remains vague on what all of that actually entails. "Yeah, it's definitely betting bigger on Battlefield. It's going in and expanding what Battlefield is. We have to have the core. The core Battlefield players know what they want. They've been with us forever, they've been amazing supporters. We need to earn their trust back and get them back on our side. And then it's expanding out and getting more players into the universe and seeing what we can do, so when you want a different experience, you don't have to leave Battlefield. You can experience more things within the Battlefield universe. So we're expanding the offerings that we're giving." The road ahead for Battlefield In the meantime, Activision Blizzard is planning to release Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 — Battlefield's traditional competitor. Where Battlefield has stumbled, Call of Duty has largely continued to thrive. It begs the question: will Battlefield ever outsell Call of Duty? "If you look at the best Battlefields have outsold some Call of Duties and other way around, back and forth. So I think absolutely it can," Zampella says. [Note: While sales data is incomplete, the publicly available data for even weaker releases like Infinite Warfare has typically favored Call of Duty]. "I mean, is that what we're going for? I mean, not directly, but always. We're not looking to take down Call of Duty. We're making something that's different and we're making something that's us. But yeah, it definitely has the possibility." On the subject of pushing into the transmedia space, where franchises like The Last of Us and Fallout have thrived (the latter taking home an Emmy Award over the weekend), Zampella demurs. "There are definitely opportunities there. We've had some discussions, but it's not our core business. To me, that stuff, when it works, it's super cool... Like Arcane was f*cking great. But there's other ones that haven't worked as well and I won't name those, but you know what they are," he says. "It's a marketing opportunity of getting your franchise out there, and it's not core to what we're doing right now. So we are game first. That has to work. And if the right opportunity comes, absolutely, we'll look at it. And do we take meetings all the time? Sure. But it's not the core business. So it's that balance. I would love to see it. Right now, we're not looking at anything like that for Battlefield." It's unclear when the next Battlefield will release, but there are signs that EA is ramping up for 2025, having entered full production earlier this year. According to Zampella, EA is "play testing the game every week" and plans to launch a community program next year, though it's unclear if it's a closed beta or something else. I think we're in a really good place. Is it challenging? Of course, but it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't "We have a program that we're going to announce next year around getting more community in, because that's kind of the core of what we have to do — get the community back on our side, get that trust back," he says. "So I think we're in a really good place. Is it challenging? Of course, but it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't." Whenever Battlefield eventually releases, it'll be a big test for the series, which has a lot to prove to fans after close to a decade since its last really successful entry. It'll be entering an unsettled console landscape, with Sony announcing the PS5 Pro last week, rumors of a next-gen Xbox, and Nintendo expected to announce the Switch 2 soon. Zampella is broadly taking a "we'll see" approach to both the PS5 Pro and the unannounced Switch 2, though he has some kind words for Nintendo in particular. "I mean, since [Switch 2] isn't announced and it doesn't exist, I can't really comment on that. But I would say absolutely, Nintendo, along with Microsoft and Sony are great partners for us, are important to us on our business at EA, at Respawn, would love to see it," Zampella says. "We don't have anything to announce, but is there a world? Sure. We love them as partners. They've been great to us. I love the [Switch]." One way or another, EA is betting a huge amount of time, money, and manpower on the idea that the multiplayer shooter space is ready for a shakeup. As for whether that bet will pay off, it sounds like we'll know sooner rather than later.EA_Pythia5 months agoCommunity Manager567Views0likes0Comments