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Teambuilder dynasty, can I update uniforms?
I started a dynasty with a teambuilder I created and am now 4 years in. I updated the uniforms for the teambuilder but cannot find a way to have them update in my dynasty. Is this still possible? I know it was able to be done earlier in the year but I am not sure if this got changed or not.5Views0likes0CommentsRecruiting bug needs fixed IMMEDIATELY
Lost a 5 star gem WR with elite development because I accidentally untargeted him while looking at other recruits on the prospect list. I targeted him again, it took away the offer I gave him, and since he previously committed, it doesn’t give me the option to offer the scholarship again. We have advanced the season in hopes that he would show up on my roster, but to no avail. National signing day, everybody else was signed, and he was only still committed, still with no ‘offer’, and even though obviously I offered him early in the recruiting stage. I essentially wasted a ton of recruiting hours and out an elite 5* gem WR on my team. Unreal that’s a thing that can happen. Incredibly frustrating that you can very easily ‘untarget’ a committed recruit accidentally in the prospect list and are not able to do anything about it- you’re essentially hosed. Please get this fixed.21Views0likes0Comments- 14Views0likes0Comments
The Blocking
I have a 97 plus over all o line in the cut part what is the point of spending money on the o line when it is purely the worst thing ive ever had to deal with i can understand dumping the ball off to flats and doing all the adjustments with blocking extra and even then the lower rated players get through EA is the worst gaming company by far and this is the reason you losing millions per year every dev who has worked on this game need to rethink there entire life because they went into the wrong profession if they think this pure garbage of a game is good at all15Views0likes0CommentsNew EA college football 26 dynasty
This is just an idea I feel like EA can add into the new college football 26 dynasty since EA is trying to make the game as sandbox as possible you guys should add into offline and online dynasty but if not both at least offline dynasty to where we can force commit a recruit to our school. It shouldn’t effect the recruiting because we can only recruit up to 35 players anyways but that should be a thing there has been so many times I wanted a specific recruit in my offline dynasty and I didn’t get him but you guys should put a setting in there to let people if they want to to force commit a player to out school that one be amazing for the players who really wants the game to just go there way and he wants to just chill and have a good time missing around20Views0likes0CommentsWhen will custom playbooks be able to play online head to head???
Been half a year n ea still not allowing me to use custom playbooks in head to head road to playoffs or w.e. won't catch me dead playing with the schools terrible playbooks I mean utah utes playbook only shotgun come on ridiculous.. n did u update every 1 rankings yet or is it staying that same as start of the season??? But custom playbooks should be allowed h2h!!!3Views0likes0CommentsTerrible servers
I would like to say how is it that when your game disconnects me i still receive a loss this needs to be resolved immediately. The amount of times that i have been disconnected from the game due to your terrible servers and lost important games is ridiculous. I was in a online h2h and was in the second game in the playoffs and was WINNING and out of nowhere the game stops and sits still like it does all the time and i was waiting for it to go back and then to no surprise your terrible servers kicked me out of the match i go to load into another game and guess what i received a loss becuase your game doesnt function. Its really pathetic that in 2025 on the newest xbox in the newest game theres network issues like this game has get your game fixed ea your always find a way to ruin something23Views0likes0CommentsStill not earning skill points for RTG
Going on junior year and I’ve only been able to upgrade my 5 star RB to low 80’s in spite leveling up multiple times and supposedly earning skill points but they show up silver/gray and don’t accumulate towards my actual skill points. Only way I’ve earned skill points is through training and thus a very low and slow progression that’s kinda killed the game mode for me. Is there a reason training and game XP/leveling up has not resulted in skill points?5Views0likes0CommentsCollege Football 25 Weeklies & Milestones Not Updating
Why aren’t there new weeklies or milestones this week? I’m not even going to reach level 50 by just doing the dailies and there’s only 13 days left. I play 5 days a week and still not going to reach it, that’s insane. I’ve finished every single weekly and milestone this season and not going to get it. Is this a bug or what?263Views3likes9CommentsDon’t Label Bundels And Not Match Up Cards
I just bought 3 97+ NOTG Bundles that are 11,900 points each and not even 1 single NOTG card was revealed. What kind of stupid crap is that if I wanted GameChangers or CFP or Frat or any other card guess what I’ll go buy those bundles. If I want a NOTG card Im going to buy that bundle like I just did to get a NOTG player not reveal all the other card types I MEAN EA YOUR NEW NAME IS CANT GET RIGHT. GOOD LORD5Views0likes0CommentsCamera Angles
I have been out of town and not played CFB 25 in about three weeks. Played last night and noticed changes in the way the camera follows my players during gameplay. I have adjusted my camera angles but this occurs across all angle settings. Was there an update that created this change in game play?11Views0likes0CommentsCF25 CUT Weekly Objectives Not Refreshing
I logged in to CUT to complete my weekly objectives and they are still stuck on last week's objectives, which I have already completed. I was able to complete the daily objectives but that's it. We are 2 weeks away from season 5 ending and I am about to score the big packs and coins for season 5. Please help!! I include some details below and a screenshot to help resolve. Platform: PS5 Platform ID: JS2025GOAT Last Login: Logged in now.57Views0likes2CommentsRobbed out of a tournament
I played in an official Ps5 tournament and when I made it to the finals game, which I won 17-0 but the game disconnected due to ea servers, not due to my internet nor my opponent’s just the game basically shut off. After that it concluded it gave my opponent the win over me which I won 17-0. Im disappointed in general because it was EA’s fault not my internet nor my opponents. I just want my reward of 500 CFB points.23Views0likes1Comment
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