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Where will you race first in F1 24?
Hey folks, so, what are your plans and which track you'll want to try out first in F1 24? Things look quite a bit different! Here are some gorgeous new screenshots! ...EA_VendceraPlace F1® 24 General DiscussionF1® 24 General DiscussionCommunity Manager1.5KViews20likes12CommentsF1® 24 | How to report a bug
Hey everyone, If you are on this board, then surely you want to report a technical issue or bug that you want us to look at. This board is essential for us to identify problems in the game. ⚠ ...EA_VendceraPlace F1® 24 Technical IssuesF1® 24 Technical IssuesCommunity Manager12KViews15likes0CommentsF1® 24 [Megathread] Handling Feedback
Hello everyone, We've created this mega-thread to collect some more handling feedback. Please share your thoughts with us but keep it handling-related. It would also be helpful if you could be as ...SolvedEA_GroguetPlace F1® 24 General DiscussionF1® 24 General DiscussionCommunity Manager7.1KViews11likes207Comments
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