Abnormal and extreme insults EVERY SINGLE MATCH!!!
This is insane that you completely don't care this topic. Every single game people are insulting me or each other and I'm sitting and listening.
2 days ago one guy told me <removed> WHY ON EARTH you guys are not controling this community ???
My little brother also play in my account and I don't allow him anymore. Because of those disrespectful uneducated ppl!! Most of them are adults between 25-35. I'M LITERRALY BEGGING YOU TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! I don't want to get insulted or hear people insulting each other EVERY SNGLE MATCH!!!!!
Ps: I cannot report them in game beacsue they are gone after elaving the match or accidentally leaving, disconnecting, make it easy pls. Also, it's almost impossible to reach you, create support chat or in game message.
[CM - Edited to remove inappropriate quotes]
Thats awful.
It is best to report in game, if possible.
If you didn't get a chance to report in-game, use the link below. Select "Other options" then "EA Help".