4 years ago
Mirage is not a popular legend neither in pubs nor in ranked so i have some suggestions to balance him a bit :
Tactical Ability: Psyche Out
- Mirage sends out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy.
Suggestion: when controlled ,the holographic decoy should animate everything that the real mirage does: shooting, recharging shields ,health, throwing grenades etc.....
Passive Ability: Now you see me...
- Mirage automatically drop a decoy and cloak for five seconds when knocked down. Becomes cloaked when reviving teammates or using respawn beacons.
Suggestion: All good here.
Ultimate Ability: Life of the Party
- Mirage deploys a team of controllable decoys to distract enemies.
Suggestion 1: Decoys should spawn in random directions not in circle pattern + same as tactical change.
(Experienced players shoots the real mirage most of the time!!!)
Suggestion 2: While cloacked mirage should take less damage or no damage at all.
Suggestion 3: While cloacked mirage should be completely invisible .