Forum Discussion
No thank you. I am done with EA.
I feel like I bought a TV, was swearing while watching TV while I am in my own house and someone from shop comes after 11 years and takes away the TV because "you can't swear while watching TV your bough from us".
Audio in Apex legends is terrible. People can't hear me on discord while I am in Apex Legends. It does not happen in any other game. My mic is just fine when I use team speak, discord or something else but people can't hear me in Apex.
Communication with the team is essential for a success.
If we agree to go left side in Arena mode and some dude goes solo 1 vs 3 right side it is already lost. I usually type or say "don't go solo please, if you dont want to follow us at least ping where you want to go" After that he usually makes fun of my "Russian" accent, leaves games or trolls in some other way.
- 4 years ago
Ea is a joke if they didnt want people swearing they put a chat censor on it whats the point in banning swearing and have no swear censor its the dumbest thing ive ever seen i had a guy swearing and abusing me i called him re***ded for it and he reported me and i got banned theyre an absolute joke
- 4 years ago
I get the apex suspension/ban but I don't see why you're banned for every game and service.
But knowing it's EA, they probably don't have anything place to only ban you from 1 game and just take the easier and cheaper of option of banning all service on your account.
But what do you expect from such a horrible company where they're planning to add ads into their games. You gotta have standards to do that sort of thing. It's ok as long as they have your money nothing matters.
- 4 years ago@KingPinEquinox They do have that ability. They just choose to take a sterner approach in the case of bad apples. They have many paying customers who are happy they don't have to play EA games with cheaters and toxic individuals.
- 4 years ago
@TheReaper24UKThere's no time for rational solutions. Only severe punishments only to preserve purity.
They have South Park games for sale on Origin being sold proudly and promoted. God forfend if anyone check what that franchise has installed.
All that aside, I get your frustration. There isn't much to do but take it all in I suppose.
- 4 years ago
I totally agree I spent 100s on lootboxes to only get my account banned for cheating. I have a .8 kill death in pubs and wouldn’t even know how to dl or use a cheat. I will never spend a dollar on another product knowing I can get falsely banned at any given point I asked ea for a specific reason so I can make sure not to do it again and nothing
- 4 years ago
I was banned for no reason. Havent played any EA game in over 8 months. Emailed EA and they sent a list of what a ban is . No explanation and refused to lift the ban. I have bought every Battlefield game and expansions. Spent $100's on this crap developer . I refuse now to buy anything EA..
- 4 years ago
Real cheaters run rampant, and tons of posts like this where people will stop giving EA Money, (I mean this should be done anyway based on the state of the game ), at what point do you review your process for actually catching real cheaters?
Keep waiting till everyone is done with this game, that will prove fruitful I am sure..../s
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