Forum Discussion
@E9ine_ACExplain "such things accuring". What things? Game does not have rules in place to protect me from things that are happening 24/7 things that are tilting players.
The game is not meant to be place where people can go full * mode and intentionally ruin fun for other players.
The game should not be place where xenophobia is tolerated. If they did good job with the game I would not be harassed, trolled or insulted every single day.
"The game is not mean to be a venting process to take anger on someone who didn't do what you asked". So If I ask him to not be AFK I should be perma banned from the game and he should be rewarded?
First of all, game should not team me up with people who I must teach how to play if I want to have a chance of winning. Game should have rules that are preventing "such things accuring".
I am banned from EA games because I dont allow my self to waste any more time with EA games.
Power is in my own hands. I decide what I want to do. Playes have the money ... EA has bad product I am not willing to buy anymore. EA has bad reputation also, so even if product is good in future I will still avoid it.
"This so much is not the fault of anyone but your own due to how you expressed yourself." I dont agree... I did not wake up that morning and said "it is really boring I need to express myself and insult some people online for no reason". First of all I was insulted also... and second off all Game mode is pure dog *.... It is frustrating to play.
Harass, threaten, bully, embarrass, spam or do anything else to another player that is unwanted, such as repeatedly sending unwanted messages or making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
- Anonymous4 years ago@E9ine_AC @E9ine_AC They could ban me for breaking this rule many times in past 6 months but they did not .... They banned me after I said game mode is trash on reddit. Go figure.
And I need to tell you that I did not agree to this kind of agreement 11 years ago when I bought Bad Company 2. So technicaly they dont have the right to ban me in Bad Company 2. Back then "EA Services" term did not even exist... and that is the term mentioned in new user agreement.
There are different kind of rules. Written rules are ok but rules that are technically enforced are always better. If they truly cared about this community they could easialy automatically detect that someone is using bad language in game and ban him instantly. But they have selective justice. That kind of justice, that is not equal for eveyone is worst kind of justice.... I played with people who used far more offensive lange in game chat and they where never banned (but they did not post on reddit). Selective justice and different rules for different people is also why I am afraid of buying any EA product in the future, like i stated in original post- E9ine_AC4 years agoHero+@Anonymous What you say on reddit plays zero role into you being banned. That is a different source of information that is not so much linked to EA. You was suspended due to someone actually reported you this time for doing it. Even big streamers have been banned or suspended for the very thing you was and dont go on reddit.
Every rule on the terms of service is followed to a tee if and when a report is sent in.- Anonymous4 years ago
"Every rule on the terms of service is followed to a tee if and when a report is sent in."
That is complete bull *. I have a proof that that is not true. They do it on case by case basis and what will happen depends on particular employee and his interpretation of agreement.
Agreement is very widely defined.
You say that they punished everyone who was using CAPS LOCK ALL THE TIME? You must be kidding me.
- 4 years ago
Hey, I got banned for the same reason (harassment) for saying a dumb joke but one that didn't break any rule so I'm just wondering if instead of banning people for these reasons you could just gag them permanently?
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