I think the weapon drop system for bot royals should be changed.
After playing a few rounds of bot royale, I thought that, especially on a large map, I feel that bot teams are quickly depleted and very often end without time to test their weapons properly.
Well, I guess it can't be helped a little because you are playing against bots, but I felt that even if you wanted to try a particular weapon, you often couldn't find it before the end of the match, or even if you did find it, the match often ended before you had the proper attachments.
Therefore, I think it would be better to change the weapon drop system for bot royale so that weapons with attachments originally attached are dropped on the field, like straight shots.
Personally, I think it would be better if people don't have to search for weapon attachments in bot matches, since they are small, fast developing matches and don't affect the results at all.