Forum Discussion
Just died in the storm because there wasn't enough syringes shield cells etc. Why did they change loot table back pack struggle taking the fun out of the game.
- 6 years ago
@leapoffaithninja exactly what i had feared while calculating my inventory space. The previous system had 8 slot without backpack and you could slot in 160 ammo of 2 types and 12 cells and syringes which was quite enough for early fights. But now once you have landed some popular area then you'd easily run out of either ammo or vitality like my entire squad did in my last game. We had downed 2 squads and then had no heals in the fragment east and then got owned by a 3rd squad.
@FaIIenAngeI777 exactly, idk man what they be planning but this inventory change sucks much. They could have just slotted 1 nade per slot and it'd have solved the nade spam problem.
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