Forum Discussion
@SolitaryMassacre tbh man grenade spam has been a part of the game and people sacrifice ammo to stack in grenades, its not like they having both ammo and grenade even in the old inventory system. The talking point is that why shall we limit grenades? it's a battle royale and grenades are just another weapon like a pk or r99 so why shall throwing grenades at last fight be called a spam? firing 3 round continuously isn't termed as bullet spam right? The goal is to win in legal ways without cheating and it can be achieved by both guns and grenades so people should never be screaming about grenade spams. But since majority feels like it makes the game not interesting so nerfing the stack of grenades to 1:1 is okay and cool. But why did they even think of nerfing ammos and heals? This move is pure *.
Although I hate getting grenade spammed, I do accept that it is a part of the game and is very well legal and people have rights to do it in order to win so devs shall reconsider this entire inventory, loot and grenade patch. Also removing the amount of Grenades for players to carry will ultimately result in having no purpose of Wattson's ultimate.
- 5 years ago
@Dokuganryu699That is ridiculous. Might as well get rid of the guns then right? No point in them if we can just grenade spam right? That's all I hear from this post.
Grenades SHOULD NOT be a primary way to fight. ESPECIALLY with how much damage they do. Arc stars do 70+ depending on how close you are AND they slow you down. The blast radius is at least 10m (yes the damage is low, but the slow down is sill the same) I don't even see ppl use frag grenades unless its all they find in the first few minutes of the round.
Either reduce how many you can carry, which I think is the right thing to do, or cut the radius in half, or drastically reduce the damage of arc stars. The slow down on top of all the damage (basically wipes your shield out) is just stupid. I get your whole argument "thats how the game is" but that is exactly why it needs to change, that is not fun. Who wants to play a game where you can just spam grenades and shoot maybe 15 bullets? It is not easy to escape the blast radius either because it brings you out of cover. And since there is no limit on grenades, you can easily surround the entire area with 5 arc stars guaranteeing you'll drop them.
All my arguments about this game are in the direction of bringing more fun to it. It is not fun when you go around dropping people with guns and doing well only to get eliminated by grenades. It isn't like we can just respawn and get back in the fight.EDIT: The heals nerf was to combat grenade spam and my thinking is ppl would limit grenades in turn for heals. Which didn't work.
- 5 years ago@SolitaryMassacre Well, grenade spam couldn’t really be a main way to fight, as they are very unsustainable. Sure, now you would have to use 4 slots for 4 grenades, but how useful will 4 grenades be vs a competent player with guns? (This actually kind of depends on the situation, but I think the person with guns would win. They’d have to be cautious though, or at a mid-long range.)
- 5 years ago
@Sir_Named yes you're absolutely correct, grenade now takes up 1 slot each and with ammo and heals nerfed there aren't enough space to carry grenades anymore.Also carrying them doesn't mean they'd do 100% damage on enemy, 90% of time my nades do barely 20-30 damage.
@SolitaryMassacre I started the thread mainly to point out the issues of ammo and heals nerfing which is a crap move and I am genuinely pissed because 160 bullets in 2 slots was perfect for me to use r99/flatline or 301/flatline combo but now 120 is not enough and 180 takes up too much space with a lvl 1 backpack. Same with heals you could heal 3 times to purple sheild with 2 slots but now it's just 2 which really sucks when you get third partied and are out of heals. I'm cool with the 1:1 grenade slot nerf though.
Also, saying this respectfully that if people do not like grenades they should really migrate to games which are purely based on guns, grenades were always a part of the game and it's always legit to carry a purple bag full of nades with no ammo or heals, it depends on the player itself. You don't do it, I don't do it doesn't really matter. But it's legit and we the people who carry no nades or 1 nade have no right to speak foul on them because we got rekt by some nades in a few match. I lose too man due to people throwing nades but I take it as a part of the game and move on to the next one instead of crying like babies that I got "grEnADe sPaMMeD"
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