Forum Discussion
One well placed grenade, is much more tactical then throwing 5+ grenades. If you know the caustic is on <insert floor, area here> then throw the grenade there, He clearly will move. If not he will tank the damage, great! Now you can go in and kill him even with his traps. Shoot out the ones in the area and go get him, you are a squad of 3, not 1v1. And like I said, if you have 2 grenades, you can easily get him out of there. Secondly, I hardly ever carry grenades, only in the beginning will you see me with grenades. That being said, I never have any trouble with a caustic (or whole squad) camping inside a building. Hell, your caustic could be camping with a Wattson and her ult. Now your grenades are useless. Now how you going to get them out?
The cover is useless when it comes to arc stars. I don't know if it was a glitch, but I still got hit by an arc star through cover. The electric part went through the wall and got me. Granted the damage was very low but it also slows you down.
And I have listed ways to get through the caustic in a building. I will say it again. I never have grenades at the end of a game, I have dealt with caustics camping a building, I have got them downed/dead. I did not use grenades. Grenade limiting will cause you to be more creative and strategical with your game play instead of simply throwing a crap ton of grenades. If you get third partied, then you retreat. Simple as that. Let the caustic deal with them. I hate when my squad and I get 3rd partied and I'm halfway across the map healing and they all go in and try to fight, its pointless. But you guys keep bringing up other situations about the grenade problem. The whole "3rd partied cause I had to shoot the caustic traps" like, bro, you get 3rd partied for grenades too.
And you bringing up the point of "one grenade" and body shot from kraber will down you is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post, when I said arc stars slow you down so much it makes it extremely easy to laser them with any weapon and down them.
It is just arc stars because of the slow down effect. Frag grenades can hit hard yes, but the fact they yeet you is actually kind of nice. I have used this to my advantage many times. In that case, 4 frags were thrown my direction, I got yeeted by the first one, and guess what, I was well clear of the other 3 and was closer to the cover I was running too. I got clear of the enemy and was able to heal. So frag grenades would not have a similar effect as arc stars. If those were arc stars, I know damn well I would have been dead lol.
Also, where are you getting this whole "Legends have abilities to nullify grenades" idea from? I can think of ONE legend - Wraith. Pathfinder, yes can zip away, but its not a nullifier, leaves him opened to gunshots. Octance, same as pathfinder (even worse cause your health took a hit). So I don't think the whole "legends can nullify grenades" holds any water.
Yes it makes the game boring. We are talking about grenades in this thread, go to my comments on the other threads about the PK and R99. (PK is very boring yes, R99, at close ranges is good, if I get lasered from 50m+ by an R99, *.) Back on topic......
But thremite isn't OP, yes it can go through doors but so can arc stars. Thermite is perfectly balanced. It does damage over time, and it blocks your path. I got dealt 50 dams from it when I ran through one to revive my squadmmate. But I easily used 2 shield cells when I got to cover (because I wasn't slowed down by dumb arc stars lol)
For a legend to "easily run past them before they detonate" I don't understand. If they threw grenades around you, the blast radius is so great you have no time to run through the blast radius without receiving significant damage, even if you receive a little damage, the arc star slows you, a lot. I think you all keep forgetting about that.
I was making the reference to the ammo count not as an argument really, just something I have noticed of myself. I'm not for or against anything here, just stating the nerf to all other inventory items was to hopefully make players leave a grenade down and pick up something else. I read in a review that the entire inventory changes were 100% made to combat grenade spam.
However, it didn't work because grenades (mainly arc stars) are too OP, hence why I liked the grenade pouch idea. And this wouldn't break wattsons ult because you can get more than one squad on you when you are setup, it actually is better to stay where you are camped then to leave if wattson has the whole area locked down. So limiting grenades via a grenade pouch is not going to break or make wattson's ult useless.
All of you also state "20-30" damage, well that is a lot in this game. Not only that, multiply that by the 5 you just threw... yeah now what? And if they were arc stars, you are slowed down so much you have no way of getting out of there. With this, I have been downed before the last arc star even went off because of how much it slows you down.
You all also say "it is part of the game" or "i don't mind it" my guess is you are the ones spamming grenades xD. And like I said before, it just requires zero skill or planning with 5+ grenades. They are so OP.
Another thing I want to make note of is the fact the arc stars are slowing you down, AND do damage. Every other game has a "lethal" and "tactical" grenade type, I wish this did too. Arc stars are both and deal a serious amount of damage. Again, nerfing them would also help the grenade spam, and I am not against other methods of fixing grenade spam (because yes it is an actual thing in this game, it is not just people complaining) I just think the grenade pouch was the easiest and best way to help solve it.
@SolitaryMassacreWell, first, you won’t know exactly where the Caustic is. (Unless you have crypto or bloodhound). Chances are, the Caustic could still get behind cover or avoid the grenade even if you know where they are.
Also, arc stars shouldn’t be hitting you through walls and stuff. If they are, it’s less that the arc stars need to be nerfed, and more that they need to be fixed.
Sure, one really well placed grenade is good, but you know what’s easier? A couple of less well-places grenades.
Yeah, you’ll get third parties for throwing grenades, but at least you can deal damage easier, and the hope is you kick the Caustic out or kill them. With a gun, you need line of sight, which would be difficult to get in this situation.
The arc star does slow you down, but it is for .75 of a second, which still allows you other options. (I tested this, but I don’t know the exact number. It’s a bit less than a second though.) You could crouch and jump to throw off their aim, or use almost any legend ability.
Speaking of Legend abilities, I also said that they can reduce the effects of grenades. Gibraltar has his gun shield, and his dome shield. Pathfinder can grapple away. Bangalore moves faster when she’s * at and when grenades are thrown at her. Wattson has her ult.
Besides, you don’t even need to be that far away.
(Look at the image I attached)
You could easily make up that distance by running.
I don’t think I said 20-30 damage anywhere, but 20x5 is only 100, and 30x5 is 150. This is much less damage than someone should be able to do with 5 grenades, and you can easily heal that damage with a 5 second shield battery and a few syringes.
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